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[交流] 昆士兰大学_Yusuke Yamauchi教授课题组_博士招生、CSC联合培养博士招生

招生单位: 昆士兰大学 澳大利亚生物工程与纳米技术研究所 (Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology – AIBN)

Professor Yusuke Yamauchi specializes in design of nanocrystals and nanoporous materials (e.g. noble-metal, metal oxide, carbon, transition metal sulfide) with controlled compositions and morphologies toward various applications including batteries, fuel cells, solar cells, chemical sensors, field emitters, and photonic devices.
Professor Yamauchi has published more than 500 papers in international refereed journals with > 20,000 citations (h-index > 70). He is selected as one of the Highly-Cited Researchers in Chemistry from 2016 to 2018. He is an associate editor of Journal of Materials Chemistry A published by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).


1.        学制3-4年,入学时间每年四次(Jan 1, Apr 1, Jul 1, Oct 1)
2.        学费生活费:可用全额奖学金支付
3.        入学资格:已获或将获硕士研究生学位
4.        英语要求:6.5 IELTS or 87 (or 570) TOEFL or 64 PTE. 单项要求见官网
5.        官网参考信息:
https://future-students.uq.edu.a ... -of-Philosophy-7501
https://graduate-school.uq.edu.a ... ciency-requirements

CSC联合培养博士招生: 欢迎近年有意向申请联培的博士研究生咨询联系

自荐方式: 感兴趣的同学请将简历发送给Dr Tang. Email: tangjing0206@sina.cn

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金虫 (小有名气)

14楼2019-11-22 21:44:45
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