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[交流] 加拿大卡尔加里大学计算流体力学课题组博士招生已有2人参与

加拿大卡尔加里大学计算流体力学课题组招收两个博士生(computational fluid-structure interaction for vascular applications & hypersonic fluid-thermal-structure interaction (ftsi))。有兴趣的请看下面介绍,或者站内加我微信了解

1. ph.d. position in computational fluid-structure interaction for vascular applications
ph.d. position in computational fluid-structure interaction for vascular applications (computational modelling of aortic flows, arterial wall modelling, 4d flow image-based simulations) is available at the university of calgary (alberta, canada). the appointment can be arranged in the department of mechanical & manufacturing engineering,  computational fluid & structural mechanics (cfsm) group (cfsmgroup.com) or center for bioengineering research and education (cbre) at the schulich school of engineering and the libin cardiovascular institute of alberta. student will be co-advised by prof. artem korobenko (https://schulich.ucalgary.ca/profiles/artem-korobenko)  and prof. elena di martino (https://schulich.ucalgary.ca/profiles/elena-di-martino)

candidates should have good communication skills and strong background in fluid mechanics  (blood flow modeling) and structural mechanics (nonlinear material modeling), numerical methods, finite elements/finite volumes, cfd, and programming in one of the languages (fortran/python/c/c++). the candidate should be familiar with mesh generation tools (gmsh, ansa, or other) and parallel computing (mpi, cuda, or other).

position is available for september 2019. please send your up-to-date cv, unofficial transcripts, and a short cover letter to dr. artem korobenko (artem.korobenko@ucalgary.ca). in your cover letter, please include projects you worked on and a short proposal (few paragraphs) for the potential research topic (in the area of modelling for vascular applications) that you would like to work on during your program at the university of calgary.

2. funded ph.d. position in numerical modeling for hypersonic fluid-thermal-structure interaction (ftsi)
the computational fluid & structural mechanics group (cfsmgroup) at the university of calgary has an open fully-funded ph.d. position in numerical modeling for hypersonic fluid-thermal-structure interaction (ftsi). the importance of hypersonic technologies in civilian and military applications is unquestionable. the critical parts when designing hypersonic vehicles are aeroelasticity and aerothermoelasticty analysis. hypersonic vehicles are made of flexible panels to minimize the weight. when flying for sustained period of time within the atmosphere the vehicle is subject to extreme aerodynamic heating and pressure. this produces complex fluid-thermal-structure interaction. the ftsi is also important for design of rocket nozzles and low-cost reusable launch vehicle (rlv). the scientific questions to be investigated include shock wave boundary layer interaction (swbli), shock-shock interaction, hypersonic boundary layer transition, effect of thermal stresses on aeroelastic stability.

the ph.d. role will be in developing ftsi framework using an existing high-fidelity in-house code for compressible flows and fully-coupled fluid-structure interaction framework, suitable for large-scale computing.

the potential candidates should have a strong background in numerical methods, compressible flows, programming (fortran, c, c++), finite elements/finite volumes, computational fluid dynamics (cfd). the candidate should be familiar with mesh generation tools (gmsh, ansa, or other) and parallel computing (mpi, cuda).

cfsmgroup is a part of the university of calgary aerospace network (ucan) which involved collaboration with national and international academic institutions, industrial partners and governmental agencies, including nasa, canadian space agency (csa), defence research and development canada (drdc), us air force office of scientific research (afosr), lockheed martin, peraton, and more. research projects are also sponsored by various canadian small- and medium-sized enterprises (smes) and startups in aerospace, which is a potential employment opportunity after the degree.

position is available for september 2019. please send your up-to-date cv, unofficial transcripts, and a short cover letter to dr. artem korobenko (artem.korobenko@ucalgary.ca). in your cover letter, please include projects you worked on and a short proposal (few paragraphs) for the potential research topic (in the area of ftsi) that you would like to work on during your program at the university of calgary.

computational fluid and structural mechanics group: https://www.cfsmgroup.com/

high-speed aerodynamics and energy research group: http://www.ucalgary.ca/johansen/

[ Last edited by 648582818 on 2019-1-10 at 13:40 ]
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3楼2019-01-24 21:17:15
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