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铁虫 (小有名气)

[求助] 关于信号发射防干扰的一个问题

今天看文献,有一句话说是: 信号发射塔为了防止干扰,使得接受信号的频率与发出信号的频率不同。自己是应数,不是学信息的,不明白这个是为什么  有没有虫友大神可以用通俗的语言帮我解释一下呢?

原文:   As a wireless transmission passes through a signal tower, to avoid interference, it would help if the incoming signal and the outgoing signal do not share the same frequency. Suppose we assign a vertex to each signal tower, an edge between two vertices if the corresponding signal towers are directly connected by a signal and assign a color to each edge based on the assigned frequency used for the communication. Then the number of frequencies needed to assign the connections between towers so that there is always a path avoiding interference between each pair of towers is precisely the proper connection number of the corresponding graph.

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新虫 (著名写手)

2楼2018-12-11 20:00:40
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