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文章已被拒。第一次投稿,而且催化学的比较浅,希望能得到虫友们的指导。The Authors have responded to most of the questions and made some improvements in the manuscript. They have repeated the RRDE measurements using higher ring potential in acidic solution, but the data in alkaline solution is still the same as in previous version. In case the ring potential was 0.897 V, as stated in the previous version, the RRDE experiments should be redone also in alkaline solution.

1.        The RRDE experiments should be carried out in alkaline solution using the ring potential at which the peroxide reduction is diffusion-limited (usually about 1.2 V vs RHE is used in alkaline solution). In case the ring potential was 0.897 V, as stated in the previous version, then there should rather be a small oxygen reduction current at the ring and not H2O2 oxidation current. The RRDE results should also be more clearly presented by selecting the appropriate current density scale for the ring current (Fig. 5a).
2.        Page 1, col 1, line 18; p3, col 2, line 19; Table S1. The onset potential for BN-CA-900 was 0.05 vs Hg/HgO in the previous versions. As the potential was converted to RHE scale as E(RHE) = E(Hg/HgO) +0.86V, it should be 0.91 V vs RHE after conversion and not 0.93 V. Also the other values in Table S1 should be re-checked.
3.        Page 3, col. 2, line 39. The potential range of the stability tests was given as -0.8 ... 0.2 V (vs. Hg/HgO) in previous versions, but in this version it is 0.2 ... 1.0 V (vs. RHE). Unless the Authors really did the new stability tests in a new range, the range should be converted exacly using the conversion value given (+0.86 V).
4.        Fig.7b. It is not meaningful to present the data at the potentials more positive than the onset potential of ORR.
5.        Table S2.  The values of the onset potentials should be re-evaluated. It can be seen in Fig. 6 that the O2 reduction does not start at 0.75 V, but rather around 0.65 V. There seem to be a small negative current for all materials even at positive potentials, are the RDE curves background-corrected? If not, it should definitely be done, otherwise the onset potentials cannot be precisely determined. It should also be described in the Supporting Information how the onset potentials were determined.

@Monash2011 发自小木虫IOS客户端
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木虫之王 (文学泰斗)



9楼2018-12-07 18:01:45
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至尊木虫 (著名写手)

2楼2018-12-07 15:42:56
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2楼: Originally posted by 海誓山盟 at 2018-12-07 15:42:56


3楼2018-12-07 15:43:19
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