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[交流] DAY78:美国人平均每天盯屏幕时间为十个半小时




Ten hours and thirty-nine minutes per day, that's how much time American adult spend on average staring at a screen. Don't get mad at me. We're only 10 minutes.


The statistic comes from a Nielsen company audience report from last year. It includes time spent on tablets, smart phones, computers, games, TVs.


And for those who can't step away, it could be considered toxic.


DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: How do you know you have a problem and you need a digital detox?


Well, if you're watching this right now, you're probably tech-savvy.


You've got lots of different devices and you maybe somebody who is in a need of a digital detox. It's when these devices start to control your life as opposed to making them easier.


The area we find this impacts your life the most — and this may surprise you — but it's in fact your sleep.


You find that people who are using their devices so close to bedtime creates an arousal in your brain that is so profound that it makes it much harder to go to sleep.


It also affects your circadian rhythm overall. That's your sort of normal rhythm between lights and night, and when that is disrupted, it just throws off your whole sleep schedule.



One thing you don't realize is that simply by reading an email or reading a text message in the middle of the night, it can take your brain from zero to sixty very, very quickly and that brain is a very, very hard brain to slow down.

One golden rule that most sleep experts agree on is that if you do get woken by the phone or by something else and you're awake, get up and walk around.


Don't come back and lie in the bed until you're truly ready to go to sleep.


So, take a break. Put on the "out of office". Put the cellphone away. It could help you live to a hundred.

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