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新虫 (小有名气)

[交流] PhD and Visiting PhD positions in McGill University for Fall 2019

Two PhD and Two visiting PhD positions are available for Fall 2019 in the Bioresource Engineering Department of McGill
University through CSC scholarship application. The research is on the Multiscale Modelling and Mechanisc of 3D printed
Advanced Cellular Metamaterials. Theoretical, computational, and experimental mechanics studies will be conducted for design,
analysis, multiscale modelling, and 3D printing of lightweight advanced materials. The candidate will work under the supervision of
Prof. Hamid Akbarzadeh, Director of AM3L lab at McGill University.

Required qualifications for the position are:

1. Bachelor and Master degrees in Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Civil Engineering (Structure), Aerospace
Engineering (Structure), or related fields.
2. Strong background in Computational mechanics, Multiphysics and multiscale modelling, Lightweight composites, and Smart
multifunctional materials. Previous experience in finite element simulation is a must.
3. Experience with Homogenization techniques, Nonlinear instability analysis, Finite element simulation, and Molecular dynamics
(MD) and Atomistic simulation are asset.
4. Proficiency in using commercial finite element packages such as ANSYS, COMSOL, and ABAQUS
5. Excellent programing skills using MATLAB and Python/C.
6. Good publication records.
7. Proficiency in English and high undergraduate and graduate GPA for admission to McGill University

Interested candidates should send their Cover letter (emphasizing on their previous experience on computational multiscale
mechanics and lightweight materials), CV, and two representative publications to Prof. Hamid Akbarzadeh
(hamid.akbarzadeh@mcgill.ca) by Sample Text. Potential applicant needs to officially apply to McGill University by
January 1, 2019.

Email: hamid.akbarzadeh@mcgill.ca
Web: https://www.mcgill.ca/bioeng/fac ... barzadeh-shafaroudi

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新虫 (初入文坛)


6楼2018-11-20 15:29:10
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