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[交流] 【代发】美国阿拉巴马大学招收电子与计算机工程方向博士研究生/访问学者

美国阿拉巴马大学(The University of Alabama)电子与计算机工程系甘宇老师正在招收博士研究生(提供全额奖学金,免学费),入学时间为2019 年春或者2019 年秋。

    1. 电子工程,计算机科学,生物医学工程等相关方向的本科或者硕士。
    2. 有较好的数学基础,熟练掌握Matlab , Python,C 语言中的至少一门语言
    3. 有图像处理,计算视觉,深度学习,生物光学或者信号处理经验的申请者优先,但无硬性要求。
有意者请将简历,成绩单和语言能力考试成绩发往 ygan6@eng.ua.edu。该实验室也欢迎有相应研究兴趣和科研背景的访问学者联系。

甘宇于2017 年获得哥伦比亚大学的电子工程系博士学位,后留校任博士后研究员。2018 年八月起但任阿拉巴马大学助理教授,主要研究方向为机器学习,计算视觉,人工智能在生物医学图像处理上的应用。

阿拉巴马大学(The University of Alabama,简称UA),位于美国阿拉巴马州塔斯卡卢萨(Tuscaloosa),是一所美国著名的公立研究型大学。阿拉巴马大学是全州历史最悠久也是最大的大学,是阿拉巴马教育系统的旗舰校区。阿拉巴马大学的电子工程项目在US NEWS 的专业排名中位居前100.

Ph. D Assistantship Position available for Spring/Fall 2019
Dr. Yu Gan in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Alabama is seeking graduate students (Ph.D. in Electrical/Computer Engineering) starting from Spring 2019 and beyond.

1. A Master degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, or related majors is preferred. Outstanding undergraduate students will also be considered.
2. Strong mathematical background and proficient programming skills in Matlab, Python, or C.
3. Previous research experiences with image processing, machine learning, computer vision, deep learning, bio-optics, and signal processing are preferred, but not required.

Interested students are encouraged to send your CV/Resume, transcript, GRE/TOEFL, and other materials that you believe is helpful for your application to ygan6@eng.ua.edu

Visiting Scholars:
Visiting/exchange scholars and students who have matching interests and strong research background are welcome to contact Dr. Gan for inquiries about position availability.

About Dr. Yu Gan:
Dr. Yu Gan is an Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Alabama. He earned his Ph.D. degree from Columbia University in Electrical Engineering in 2017 and continued as a Postdoc Research Scientist before joining UA. His research interests are in machine learning, computer vision, artificial intelligence, with application in biomedical image analysis. More information is available at https://ygan.people.ua.edu/

About The University of Alabama:
The University of Alabama (UA) is a public research university located in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, United States, and the flagship of the University of Alabama System. Founded in 1820, UA is the oldest and largest public universities in Alabama. Its electrical engineering program ranks among top 100 of US according to US News 2019.

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