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【悬赏金币】回答本帖问题,作者flybridyan将赠送您 98 个金币


新虫 (小有名气)

[求助] Analyst投稿求助已有4人参与

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新虫 (小有名气)

3楼: Originally posted by paperhunter at 2018-09-08 23:26:42

Figures, graphics, images & cover artwork
Figures & graphics
Colour figures may be used free of charge both online and in print (we use CMYK colour model).
Figures should be supplied as TIFF files, with a resolution of 600 dpi or greater. You can supply EPS files instead, but we will need to convert these to TIFF files in the final article.
Files should fit within either single column (8.3 cm) or double column (17.1 cm) width, and must be no longer than 23.3 cm.
Graphical abstracts (table of contents entry) should be no larger than 8 cm x 4 cm and be submitted along with one sentence of text (maximum 20 words) highlighting the novelty of the work.
Schemes and structures should be drawn to make best use of single and double column widths.
Figures including logos, trademarks or brands names (for example Lego® or Rubik’s Cube® should not be used. You must obtain permission to use any figure or graphic belonging to someone else; see our guidance on using third party material in Royal Society of Chemistry publications.
4楼2018-09-10 09:57:41
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新虫 (小有名气)

Figures, graphics, images & cover artwork
Figures & graphics
Colour figures may be used free of charge both online and in print (we use CMYK colour model).
Figures should be supplied as TIFF files, with a resolution of 600 dpi or greater. You can supply EPS files instead, but we will need to convert these to TIFF files in the final article.
Files should fit within either single column (8.3 cm) or double column (17.1 cm) width, and must be no longer than 23.3 cm.
Graphical abstracts (table of contents entry) should be no larger than 8 cm x 4 cm and be submitted along with one sentence of text (maximum 20 words) highlighting the novelty of the work.
Schemes and structures should be drawn to make best use of single and double column widths.
Figures including logos, trademarks or brands names (for example Lego® or Rubik’s Cube® should not be used. You must obtain permission to use any figure or graphic belonging to someone else; see our guidance on using third party material in Royal Society of Chemistry publications.
5楼2018-09-10 09:58:54
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新虫 (小有名气)

6楼: Originally posted by cy211 at 2018-09-10 10:00:21

7楼2018-09-10 10:23:50
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新虫 (小有名气)

8楼: Originally posted by cy211 at 2018-09-10 10:30:39

9楼2018-09-10 10:41:29
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新虫 (小有名气)

8楼: Originally posted by cy211 at 2018-09-10 10:30:39

是把图放在正文中相应的位置呢?还是放在文章最后? 真心不知道改怎么放,就怕第一次投稿因为格式问题被拒?求解,谢谢
10楼2018-09-10 14:46:44
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