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[交流] Full Scholarship PhDs, Postdoctor Positions at University of Houston

PhD & Postdoc Openings

Yu research group in the Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Materials Science and Biomedical Engineering at University of Houston (Houston, Texas, USA) currently has 1 PhD position for the 2019 Spring semester and 1 postdoc position available immediately. The group is specialized in flexible and stretchable electronics, bioelectronics and functional materials and structures. For more information, please check out the group website: http://www.me.uh.edu/faculty/yu


For PhD applicants, TOEFL (⩾79) or IELTS (⩾ 6.5), and GRE. A master degree with demonstrated research accomplishment is expected.

The research projects are highly interdisciplinary. Candidates with prior educational training and research experience in at least one of the following areas will be considered as priority.

1)        Background in materials and chemistry
Organic electronics; semiconductors; inorganic electronics; Polymers synthesis

2)        Background in Electronics and Electronic materials
microelectronic, optoelectronics, physics

3)        Background in Biomedical
tissue engineering, electrophysiology, Biomedical electronics; implantable devices

4)        Background in mechanical Engienering
Robotics, soft robotics: experiment and modeling

5)        Background in solid mechanics and engineering mechanics
Solid mechanics of thin films and soft matters: analytical and FEM simulations

If admitted, candidates will sit in PhD programs in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, or Biomedical Engineering, depending on their education background.

For postdoc applicants, demonstrated research accomplishment in at least one of the abovementioned areas are required.

PhD Application Deadline:  Our official PhD application deadline for the 2019 Spring is Oct. 15, 2018.

If you are interested, please contact: cyu15@uh.edu, with your CV, copies of all the transcripts, representative publications, and contact information of 3 references.

Other Positions: Visiting student/scholars with similar background as abovementioned are welcome to contact Dr. Yu directly.

About the Group:

PI: Cunjiang Yu, Ph.D.
Bill D. Cook Assistant Professor
Joined UH in 10/2013

Selected Recent Awards & Honors
•        3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award, 2018
•        Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award, 2018
•        Awardee of MIT Technology Review 35 Innovators Under 35 China (TR35 China) 2017
•        Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award, Cullen College of Engineering, UH, 2017
•        Bill D. Cook Faculty Scholarship, UH, 2016
•        Doctoral New Investigator, American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund, 2016
•        Award for Excellence in Research, Scholarship or Creative Activity, UH, 2016
•        NSF CAREER Award, 2016.
•        Paul Holloway Young Investigator Award, American Vacuum Society, 2015.
•        New Faculty Research Award, UH, 2014.
•        Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Studying Abroad, 2011.
Some recent work from the group:
1.        Kyoseung Sim, Zhoulyu Rao, Dong Yang, Yanbin Li and Cunjiang Yu*, Curvy Surface Conformal Ultra-Thin Transfer Printed Si Optoelectronic Penetrating Microprobe Arrays, NPJ Flexible Electronics, 2, 2, 2018
2.        Chengjun Wang, Kyoseung Sim, Yuhang Li,  Li, Jin Chen, Weiqiu Chen, Jizhou Song, Rafael Verduzco, and Cunjiang Yu*, Soft Ultra-Thin Electronics Innervated Adaptive Fully Soft Robots, Advanced Materials, 30, 1706695, 2018. (Front Cover)  
3.        Haejin Kim, Kyoseung Sim, Anish Thukral, and Cunjiang Yu*, Rubbery Electronics and Sensors from Intrinsically Stretchable Elastomeric Composites of Semiconductors and Conductors, Science Advances, 3, e701114, 2017.
4.        Yang Gao†, Ying Zhang†, Xu Wang†, Kyoseung Sim†, Jingshen Liu, Xue Feng, Ji Chen, Hangxun Xu*, and Cunjiang Yu*, Moisture Triggered Physically Transient Electronics, Science Advances, 3, e1701222, 2017.

About University of Houston: Public urban university; enrollment 45000, 36000 Undergraduates, 9000 graduate students; Engineering ranked 69# (US News); Tie 1 research university.

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