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[交流] Grammar Help Needed

Can anyone explain when to use “that” and when not to?

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版主 (正式写手)

you mean the difference between "that" and "which" ?
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2楼2018-07-12 13:53:49
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3楼2018-07-12 14:31:21
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铁虫 (职业作家)

Most grammar books list  "that" / "which" / "when" / "where" /... as equals

Speaking from experience I want to say the word  "that"  can and should be omitted whenever possible

Much better to use  "that"  for emphasis than to use it just because you can

In everyday English people often say  "I think that..."  when they mean to say  "I think..."
  In those instances the extra  "that"  serves as a pause and helps the speaker gather his or her thoughts
    The extra  "that"  is not required but serves a vital purpose

These sentences have the same meaning, so the word "that:" can be omitted:
  I love that song you sang / I love the song that you just sang / I  love the song you sang

Sometimes a whole series of prior events must be described before presenting the "here and now" of a story  
  There would be a whole Paragraph One devoted to  background information, after which** the word "that" will refer to Paragraph One

     EX: https://www.wired.com/story/what ... s-hell-pursue-next/

  The story above is long (Sorry!), but really very well written... excellent for learning the skilled use of  "that"   !!

** Use "which" to refers one singular item  Use "that" to refer to multiple items

     In this instance the word  "which"  refers to the word  "paragraph" (singular)
4楼2018-07-25 09:59:34
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