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铜虫 (小有名气)

[交流] Khalifa University招聘博士后一名

合作导师是原新加坡南洋理工大学化学与生物医学工程副教授(tenured), 现跳槽至中东土豪khalifa University(位于迪拜)。博士后待遇约6000美刀/月,欢迎化学、材料、物理类博士踊跃申请。具体招聘信息如下:

Khalifa University of Science and Technology is an independent, non-profit coeducational institution, dedicated to the advancement of learning through teaching and research and to the discovery and application of knowledge. It pursues international recognition as a world-class research university, with a strong tradition of inter-disciplinary teaching and research and of partnering with leading universities around the world.

The University endeavors to serve the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, UAE society, the region and the world by providing an environment of creative enquiry within which critical thinking, human values, technical competence and practical and social skills, business acumen and a capability for lifetime learning are cultivated and sustained. It sets itself high standards in providing a caring, rewarding and enriching environment for all of its students and staff. It ensures that its graduates, on entering the workplace, form a superlative cadre of engineers, technologists and scientists, capable of making major contributions to the current and future sectors of UAE industry and society as leaders and innovators.

The University insists on the highest world-class standards of academic excellence in all that it does. It complements other universities in the region by providing, in its chosen areas of activity, the best teaching and research available in the region. It strives to meet demands for expansion while never compromising on quality.

A postdoc position will be available starting July 2018, to work on heterogeneous two-dimensional materials for biomedical, environmental and biosensing applications.  Successful candidates should have background in chemistry and/or material science and/or electrochemistry, and in particular, experienced in synthesis of 2D materials such as graphene, phosphorene, Mxene, and TMDs.  Salary for postdoc is around 6k+ USD/month depending on experience.   Interested parties should send CV to:

Prof. Vincent Chan
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Khalifa University of Science and Technology
P O Box 127788, Abu Dhabi
T +971 2 401 8210
F +971 2 447 2442
email: vincent.chan@ku.ac.ae

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木虫之王 (文学泰斗)

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27楼2018-06-13 18:26:25
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