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银虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] 博士招生

Job Description and Requirements
One (1) open position for Ph.D. student is available IMMEDIATELY in the College of Engineering at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). The research focus is on advanced functional materials for energy and environmental applications. Highly motivated students with solid training in the following fields, including but not limited to, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, or Solid State Physics are encouraged to apply. Candidates with theoretical backgrounds, such as DFT and MD modeling, are considered a plus.

English proficiency for international applicants: GRE (Quantitative analysis 150+) and TOEFL (90+, or IELTS, 6.5+) are required. Applicants should have excellent written and oral communication skills.

Additional Information and Application
For more information, please contact Prof. Wei-Ning Wang, email: wnwang@vcu.edu. Written applications should be sent by email and include a complete Curriculum Vitae with a list of publications (if available), copies of official transcripts, three reference letters, and a description of your research background and interests. Applicants are also encouraged to check the detailed information in the following sites: https://wnwang.wordpress.com/
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银虫 (初入文坛)



英语要求: GRE (Quantitative analysis 150+) and TOEFL (90+, or IELTS, 6.5+)


研究组信息: https://wnwang.wordpress.com/
2楼2018-05-22 06:14:32
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新虫 (小有名气)


3楼2018-05-22 11:04:57
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