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[×ÊÔ´] The Medicine Maker - April 2018+The Pathologist - April 2018

The development of new drugs and biological medicines draws on the talent, passion and experience of a wide range of professionals. The goal of The Medicine Maker is to integrate all aspects of the process, from the registration of an Investigational New Drug (IND) or Biologics License Application (BLA) through to the market launch of new therapies, and beyond.

The Medicine Maker combines topical news coverage with practical, pragmatic articles that are meaningful to the daily working life of experts in the clinical, regulatory, development and manufacturing fields. Feature articles tell the stories behind the biggest concepts, issues and advances in the field, and departments will cover topics in  business, policy to advice and career development.The Medicine Maker - April 2018+The Pathologist - April 2018

The Medicine Maker - April 2018+The Pathologist - April 2018-1

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  • ¸½¼þ 1 : The_Medicine_Maker_-_April_2018.pdf
  • 2018-04-23 23:41:01, 10.94 M
  • ¸½¼þ 2 : The_Pathologist_-_April_2018.pdf
  • 2018-04-23 23:41:06, 6 M

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