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新虫 (小有名气)

[交流] Can you give me some suggestion?

Yesterday,my older brother gave a message to my dad.He wanted me to be an accountant in his company in hangzhou.But I refused him.I think it is not benifical to my career.But my job is benifical to my career,although the salary is low.Besides,that city is far from my hometown,it is not good for me to find a bf.But he always calls to my dad,and hope me to be accountant.Because he needs a realible person to be accountant

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金虫 (正式写手)

I think you should listen to your dad and at least try for him. And what's your job now? You are far from hometown and you don't know your future. If you really love your job, you can tell your father to give you 2 years and you try your best to make some success in your career. When your father know you are doing good without him, he will not push you to come back. If your career is not getting better and salary is still low, you really need to go home and help your father. Don't forget he needs you and you love him.
29楼2018-06-13 10:51:01
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金虫 (正式写手)

i think it's important to do your own career, but are you sure your choice is totally right? and i think hangzhou is a nice place and i think it's no need to worry that you couldn't find a bf, there are many good chance, maybe you can change your decision, it's hard to say.

2楼2018-04-18 10:30:00
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金虫 (著名写手)

listening to heart and be yourself

3楼2018-04-18 11:00:25
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木虫 (著名写手)

as a old boy that has worked many years,I think your older brother is right.in your brother's company,you'll grow up faster and it's better for your career
4楼2018-04-18 11:28:48
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