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木虫 (职业作家)

[交流] An awkward moment

I came near to a breakdown this evening. I can say without exaggeration that life is too hard and it's a miracle that I still live in the world with
a sweet smile. Thank you very much, my strong mind and my ability to control my emotions.

Now I want to recond the  awkward moment I've experienced and I hope the world can be kind to me in the future. (crying face)

Just now when I went into the bathhouse, an aunt almost as old as my mother waved at me and wanted to share showerhead with me.
She called me " little girl".Pardon? I'm a lady and I'm almost 29 years old. Why do you call me little girl? Then my mother looked at my breast
and laughed at me: A junior middle school student  has bigger breast than yours. OMG, I begin to doubt  whether she is my mom or not. I
blushed and I felt I have wasted a lot of food and  I will never attract boys any more. So sad.

The world is so cruel and always judges a girl by her figure and appearance. I only want to give life a smile and I make my mind to be a shining girl.

Just wait and see.
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铁虫 (初入文坛)

6楼2018-02-09 15:56:39
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禁虫 (著名写手)


2楼2018-02-08 23:44:14
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木虫 (职业作家)

It's just a joke.I just use it to encourage me to be a strong-minded girl and make you guys laugh for a while

3楼2018-02-08 23:52:48
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木虫 (职业作家)

2楼: Originally posted by HYJ黄艳杰 at 2018-02-08 23:44:14
observe and forget it


4楼2018-02-08 23:53:09
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新虫 (初入文坛)

When you have big breasts, you will find out that smaller breasts make you more comfortable.

5楼2018-02-09 14:08:28
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木虫 (职业作家)

5楼: Originally posted by xlh1423 at 2018-02-09 14:08:28
When you have big breasts, you will find out that smaller breasts make you more comfortable.

7楼2018-02-09 16:04:38
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木虫 (职业作家)

6楼: Originally posted by 莱克斯 at 2018-02-09 15:56:39

8楼2018-02-09 16:04:54
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新虫 (初入文坛)

Are you kidding me ?but girls that breast is similiar with you have the function to   cure others   because you are so cute.

9楼2018-02-09 17:11:12
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版主 (正式写手)

no worries. as long as u have them, u still have a chance, hahah. actually,u r funny
stay low key, work hard, and do your best
10楼2018-02-10 09:43:36
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