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[交流] 新加坡南洋理工大学博后招聘已有5人参与

Research Fellow/Post-doctoral Position in Spinal Cord Injury Experiments for
Neural Tissue Engineering Research
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
School of Chemical & Biomedical Engineering
Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine

A research fellow/ post-doctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Sing Yian CHEW at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, to a highly motivated candidate who has a passion for in vivo Spinal Cord Injury scaffold implantation treatment and neural tissue engineering research.

The focus of this project is to evaluate tissue engineered scaffolds for in vivo neural tissue regeneration. We are seeking an individual who is experienced in working with rats and interested in conducting animal implantation studies and carrying out behavioral tests; and characterizing/evaluating scaffold-cell/tissue interactions through immunofluorescent and histochemical staining and imaging.

This position offers a unique opportunity to apply in vivo experimentation skills to neural tissue engineering, through strong collaborative efforts with scientists and engineers.

The candidate will be given opportunities and is expected to design and execute experiments independently. He/she is also expected to interpret experimental results, and author papers in high-quality journals in areas that are related to the research. The candidate should demonstrate excellent communication skills and should have a strong passion and commitment to science. He/she will also work closely with the Principal Investigator to help supervise and train students and junior lab members and to ensure smooth functioning of an active research program. The candidate will have the opportunity to explore his/her own interests across functions.

• Ph.D. level scientist proficient in neural tissue engineering and spinal cord injury.
• Expertise in rodent models, microsurgery, immunofluorescent and histochemical staining of tissues, evaluation of tissue response/interactions using fluorescent microscopy (confocal) imaging.
• Expertise in western blotting, quantitative RT-PCR is a plus.
• Strong ability to communicate effectively orally and in written form, and experienced in writing manuscripts.
• Strong ability to perform self-directed work.
• Strong organizational skills and proactive personality with outstanding motivation, creativity, critical and analytical thinking skills, strong scientific commitment and ability to work as a team.

Starting salaries will depend on candidate’s qualification and experience. Candidates are expected to start ASAP. Review of applicants will continue until positions are filled. Applicants should submit a cover letter indicating their area of interest and how they intend to participate and contribute to the research, complete curriculum vitae and addresses of three references in a single PDF document to Dr. Sing Yian CHEW: sychew@ntu.edu.sg…

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4楼: Originally posted by badinage at 2018-03-13 14:49:53

5楼2018-04-20 09:54:10
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