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[交流] 论文修改求助,Energy Conversion & Management已有2人参与

投稿Energy Conversion & Management,返回的修改意见如下,不知道怎么修改,还请大神指点一下,在线等。

In a way that can be accepted as it is supposed to be some sort of design guide. However, neither the research aspect nor the design aspect has
come out, in the presented writing, in a significant manner.
In this work, there is an extensive literature survey, and serious attempt to develop the model based on previous work and fundamentals. Yet the
results appear to be not representing a generic case that could be used in the case of designs of thermal system under consideration. So, how the findings could be used as a design guideline need to be expressed clearly.
When it comes to conclusions, some are specific as well as some are general understandings written in the form of conclusions.
This work could be part of a PhD research or some similar work, and has potential to be developed into a serious publication. I believe the authors
should be encouraged to do that.

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至尊木虫 (著名写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
5楼2018-01-22 10:51:41
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