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金虫 (著名写手)

[交流] 写科研论文的最高境界已有48人参与

当代音乐大师David Foster给我很多启发。他创作的流行音乐脍炙人口,很多天王级歌星家喻户晓的歌曲都是他写的。当代有那么多创作歌曲的人,为什么David Foster的音乐那么出色呢?为什么David Foster的音乐一听就知道是大师手笔?我感到,David Foster是把自己的灵魂铸造到他的音乐中去了。



从事科学研究不是从事机械化生产,不是生产零件、扳手、电冰箱,并不是说你收集齐全数据,第二天就能出文章的。在实验数据已经收集齐全的前提下,写科研论文是需要点灵感的。心情烦躁的时候坐在那里,什么也写不出;而灵感来的时候,一个晚上能写很多。这也是为什么我有时候很多时间不写博客,而有的时候一气写好几篇的原因。在做好实验工作的前提下,如果能把David Foster创作音乐那种精神用到写文章上,就能写出好文章。





6)理性思辨(critical thinking)


在K.R. Seddon为Inorganic Liquids in Synthesis (Second Edition)一书写的序言中,他写道:"How many papers within this annual flood of reviews say anything critical, useful, or interesting? How many add value to a list of abstracts which can be generated in five minutes using SciFinder ot the ISI Web of Knowledge? How many of them can themselves be categorised as garbage? It is the twenty-first century----if a review is just an uncritical list of papers and data, what is its value?"当然他还写了很多类似的“坏话”,读起来令我非常舒畅。读到这序言,我的脑海中想象出一个大胡子老头在咆哮、斥责别人发表垃圾文章。

现在很多搞纳米和纳米催化的人都狂吹自己的催化剂如何如何有用。但是事实上很多纳米催化剂只是吸引眼球,它们的制备非常繁琐,无法工业化。更何况很多文章报道的纳米新结构催化剂的效果比普通商品化催化剂都差,那么登山何必扛着船呢?在我写的一篇关于黄金催化剂综述Gold Nanoparticles as Chemical Catalysts, in: Nanomaterials: Inorganic and Bioinorganic Perspectives, C.M. Lukehart, R.A. Scott (eds.), John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 2009中,我在很长的结尾部分写了如下文字:

One valid question is whether the gold catalysts synthesized by advanced, demanding, and often tedious, synthetic methods or using unique nanostructured supports (e.g., nanotubes and nanobelts) are better than those synthesized via conventional methods or using commercialized supports. As commented in a recent book,12 “Many methods of preparation have been used, but one wonders why some people have laboured to develop very sophisticated methods while others have been content with a much simpler method, apparently giving the same result, namely, the desired small gold particles.” The answer to that question is certainly ambiguous. On the one hand, modern nanotechnology can indeed help with the design of many gold catalysts with improved catalytic performance that can not be achieved by using conventional methods. On the other hand, one can find many publications focusing on the synthesis part, with the catalytic performance not reported or very low.12 One pitfall may be that some gold catalysts may contain residual capping agents and/or organic fragments. These organic fragments, if not sufficiently removed by special treatments, may poison CO oxidation, although gold catalysts with organic fragments may still show some activity in certain organic reactions. This point was sometimes overlooked, and thus undermining the real performance of these advanced gold catalysts. How to properly remove the organic fragments while avoiding the sintering of gold nanoparticles is a challenge. Even if this challenge is overcome, many factors still have to be considered before there can be large-scale utilization of gold catalysts synthesized by advanced technology.

在这里,我怒斥到现在很多人报道纳米催化剂,说效果怎么怎么好。可是一读文章,发现催化剂效果很差,或者根本就没有报道!没有报道可能是由于两种原因引起的:一是的确没有做;二是做了,发现效果不好而没有报道。这不是误导读者吗?登山何必扛着船?用复杂方法的绕弯子合成了一堆废物,效果比普通催化剂差,这样的文章有价值吗?应该怎样科学看待这个问题?在我写下这些文字后,编辑写来信。编辑说他仔细读了这篇文章,写得非常好,他尤其特别欣赏我这一段话,反映了critical thinking。本来老板说我太critical,但是既然编辑都夸奖我,他也不说什么了。


The main part of our previous short communication26 focused on the in-depth characterization of ... alloy NPs and an ...... catalyst prepared under optimal conditions, whereas the influences of synthesis parameters on the resulting products, the synthesis mechanism, the critical roles of pretreatment conditions and catalyst compositions in determining catalytic performance, as well as the contribution of the work to the fields of bimetallic materials synthesis and gold catalysis were not reported or elaborated in detail. Therefore, we expand on these aspects more explicitly in the current paper. There are two significant aspects of the work described in this paper. First, the synthesis of size-controlled and homogeneous ... alloy NPs has been found to be extremely evasive to date.15 Hence, the low-temperature solution-phase synthesis of ... alloy NPs with well controlled shape and sizes should be an important progress that may inspire subsequent bimetallic materials synthesis. Second, catalysis by gold nanoparticles has been intensively studied recently,28-33 but the use of alloy NPs as precursors to design advanced catalysts with multiple components (i.e., active metal, metal oxide modifier/promoter, solid support) and tailored interfacial structures has been rarely reported. Hence, this work may be of interest to both materials scientists and those working in the area of catalyst design.


[ Last edited by zhenmafudan on 2009-2-23 at 00:44 ]

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新虫 (著名写手)

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334楼2016-01-11 21:55:49
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铁杆木虫 (著名写手)

2楼2009-02-23 00:49:02
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至尊木虫 (著名写手)

3楼2009-02-23 00:59:08
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金虫 (著名写手)

4楼2009-02-23 01:14:05
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