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新虫 (小有名气)

[交流] provisionally recommended for acceptance已有3人参与

如题,论文经过大修后变成了上面的状态并且需要pending technical review for compliance with the journal style,and approval by the Editor in Chief.  

给出了technical review内容,如下:

As part of the technical review, the manuscript will be checked for style, completeness of references and the quality of the figures by one of our editorial assistants. Although we try to do the technical review as rapidly as possible, this process can take about a month or more.  Once the review is complete, if there are any problems, you will be contacted in order to provide clarification or revisions to the manuscript. The 'final form' date will be the date we receive the final corrections, and/or when the manuscript is determined to be acceptable within our style standards, and approved by the editor in Chief. It is at this point that your manuscript will be considered finally accepted for publication.  Please be aware that if any problems with your article cannot be resolved in a timely manner it may be treated as being withdrawn from publication.

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新虫 (正式写手)

4楼2017-10-03 22:53:07
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小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
paperhunter: 金币+1, 鼓励交流 2017-10-02 14:55:42
2楼2017-10-01 09:38:33
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3楼2017-10-01 23:21:00
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