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银虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 初审被拒,编辑给出一些意见,求助朋友们~~已有13人参与


On behalf of the Editorial Board of XX journal I would like to thank you and your co-authors for submitting your manuscript, I have now read your manuscript with interest but I regret to say that I have decided not to send your paper out for a full review in its present form. While the topic of your paper is within the scope of the journal, and the manuscript is quite well structured, I feel the material is incomplete, too briefly described and, as currently presented, may lack sufficient impact to merit publication, even though you present some encouraging results. My main reasons for coming to this decision are summarised below.

With the greatest of respect, the standard of English is not at a level which would enable publication of the manuscript. While the language mostly allows the reader to understand the scientific content of the paper, there are a number of instances of what appears to be non-standard nomenclature (e.g. 'dense well', 'microcosmic pore-throat characteristics'). Specialist terms are introduced without explanation for the general reader ('auto-cycle and allogenetic cycle factors'). Abbreviations are used without explanation at first use (SSC, MSC, LSC). It would be helpful to provide definitions of SSC, MSC and LSC on first use, and a brief explanation of the application of the concepts to the analysis. There is insufficient explanation of some diagrams, such as the meaning of the colours illustrating fining-up or coarsening-up on the cycles.

You have access to quite an extensive dataset (which I assume you did not acquire) but there is little or no critical evaluation of the data, discussing errors of measurements and their potential impact on the analysis you present.

Values of various coefficients are presented but there is no mathematical definition of those coefficients or discussion as to the way they impact the interpretation. Petroleum Geoscience is a multi-disciplinary journal whose readers have a broad variety of expertise and disciplines. Your paper assumes a high level of specialist knowledge which would limit the readership.

Finally, I feel that the conclusions from the analysis seem rather intuitive and their impact on further exploration of, or production from, the target formation is not brought out. Neither is there a discussion on the possible generalisation of the insights derived from this analysis to other formations or basins. Again, the journal is read by an international audience which is looking for parallels to their own areas of geoscience and so lessons learned in the way of general applicability of new concepts, insights or workflows are of greater value that a result for a specific formation.

Nonetheless, I would like to thank you again for submitting your manuscript to Petroleum Geoscience and I hope that these comments may prove useful if you decide to rewrite the manuscript for submission to this or another journal. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

With best wishes,
(Chief Editor)
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20楼2017-02-19 07:28:54
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新虫 (知名作家)

王暖暖(liouzhan654代发): 金币+1, 感谢交流 2017-02-18 15:20:16
给你resubmit 的机会了 提出的问题不大啊 不难改 去改个语言

2楼2017-02-18 13:06:00
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铜虫 (小有名气)

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
王暖暖: 金币+5 2017-02-19 19:35:45
3楼2017-02-18 15:38:34
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禁虫 (小有名气)

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
王暖暖: 金币+10 2017-02-19 19:35:18

4楼2017-02-18 15:47:06
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