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[交流] 纽约城市大学机械工程系Complex Fluids and Soft Materials课题组博士研究生/博士后

纽约城市大学城市学院机械工程系Complex Fluids and Soft Materials 课题组现有一个全奖博士研究生职位,2017年秋季入学(全奖待遇:学费全免 & $27000+生活费/年)。课题组基于跨学科实验研究,方向包括transport phenomena in biological tissues, design and fabrication of functional porous materials, enhanced oil recovery and flood conformance control, crystalline structures in compressed emulsions and foams, flow of deformable particles through narrow channels, 3D engineered tissue architectures, advanced materials for biomedical and optical applications, chemical and physical synthesis of functional particulate materials, and self-assembly of non-spherical particles.

课题组欢迎具有机械,化工,生物医学,材料,或物理背景的有很强自主学习能力的申请者。GPA, TOFLE (or IELTS), GRE从优录取。请有意者发送简历和成绩单至邮件:jfan1@ccny.cuny.edu. 课题组另有一个博士后职位,欢迎优秀的具有相关实验背景的申请者。课题组也非常欢迎优秀的访问学生,学者。具体研究方向及职位介绍请参见教授网页:http://jingfanlab.com。

纽约城市大学城市学院,成立于1847年,是纽约市立大学系统的创始学校,尤其以工科闻名于世,至2016年止计有至少12位校友获得诺贝尔奖。学院在生物医学工程,化学工程,机械工程,电子工程等领域内都位居全美前列。学院位于美国及美洲最大的城市纽约市中心曼哈顿区。这里四季分明,气候宜人,更是美国的经济文化中心。布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Insitute)官方网站15年公布了五大美国留学生就业实习机会较多的城市,纽约市排名居首位。曼哈顿区内还有其它多所著名高等院校,如哥伦比亚大学,纽约大学,康奈尔医学院,洛克菲勒大学等,各所大学间始终保持紧密的合作联系。

One PhD position with full financial support is available in Dr. Jing Fan’s research group of Complex Fluids and Soft Materials, in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the City College of New York (CCNY). Based on cutting-edge microfluidics and visualization techniques, the group conducts interdisciplinary experimental research on a wide variety of topics, such as the transport phenomena in biological tissues, design and fabrication of functional porous materials, enhanced oil recovery and flood conformance control, crystalline structures in compressed emulsions and foams, flow of deformable particles through narrow channels, 3D engineered tissue architectures, advanced materials for biomedical and optical applications, chemical and physical synthesis of functional particulate materials, and self-assembly of non-spherical particles.

We welcome highly motivated students who are interested in gaining interdisciplinary research experience to join us! Students with backgrounds in mechanical engineering especially thermofluids, chemical engineering, bioengineering, materials science, and applied physics/physics are strongly encouraged to apply. We are now accepting applications for fall 2017. Please note that TOEFL (or IELTS) and GRE scores are required. We also welcome motivated postdocs and visiting students/scholars. For anyone who is interested in joining the group, please send an email to Dr. Jing Fan (jfan1@ccny.cuny.edu) with your CV, transcripts, and a brief statement/introduction. You are always welcome to visit http://jingfanlab.com for the details and updates of the openings.

About CCNY: The City College of New York is considered the flagship of the City University of New York (CUNY), located in the heart of the world’s most dynamic city. Leading CUNY in funded research, CCNY houses a number of research centers and provides outstanding programs in architecture, engineering, education, and the liberal arts and sciences. The college also counts 12 winners of the Nobel Prize among its alumni. You will benefit from the convenience of living in an urban center and from the collaborating opportunities with many leading research groups within the city and around.
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