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新虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] Journal of Hydrology 和 Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies已有2人参与

前段时间投Journal of hydrology,编辑给的意见是不符合期刊要求,然后推荐转投Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies ,然后查着好像不是SCI,所以也就没管,这几天又发邮件来催,不知道有没有虫友了解这个regional studies,到底是个什么情况,是Journal of hydrology的子刊,还是怎么着,是不是应该不是SCI??

However, I do think it could be considered by another journal, and I would like to suggest that you take advantage of the article transfer service that "Journal of Hydrology" is part of. This gives you the option to have your manuscript files and details transferred automatically to another journal. This removes the need for you to resubmit and reformat your manuscript, saving you valuable time and effort during the submission process.

If you click the link below you will find relevant information about the new journal to which I recommend transferring your submission. You have the option to accept or decline the transfer offer from the same web page:

Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies

Elsevier has just launched a new Gold Open Access journal Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. This new title, published in cooperation with Journal of Hydrology, publishes original research papers enhancing the required science of hydrology for studying region specific problems, past and future conditions, analysis, review and solutions. Relevant topics include surface and subsurface catchment hydrology; impacts of climatic and landuse change on natural hydrologic processes; hydrologic process observations, modeling and prediction; innovative solution strategies for management issues in transboundary basins and groundwater; economic hydrology; hydrology and livelihoods; cultural and social water allocation; social impacts of water infrastructure. See full aims and scope below or visit the webpage at http://www.elsevier.com/locate/ejrh

I believe your paper fits the aims and scope I would like to invite you to direct your paper to the new journal. Besides being better suited in terms of scope and regional topic, there are other benefits you may consider when transferring your paper to Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies:
* Your article will be freely available to all readers online in perpetuity and will benefit from exposure on ScienceDirect, increasing citation opportunities
* After acceptance, their paper will be available online within 3 weeks
* Authors can make use of additional article features, such as the MATLAB figure viewer, interactive maps, supplementary data, and audioslides.

Please refer the GFA in the following link:

Aims and Scope:

Climate change affects the hydrological cycle at a global level, but the occurrence and magnitude of extreme events differ widely geographically: while some regions are affected by extreme drought periods and desertification, others are under threat of flash floods water level increase. An effective and sustainable management of our water resources depends on management and policy adapted to the geography of the region considered. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, which will publish its first issue in 2014, aims to bring together high quality papers focusing on regional solutions.

Papers published may include:

* surface and subsurface hydrology
* impacts of climatic change on natural hydrologic processes
* hydrologic process observations, modeling and prediction
* innovative solution strategies for management issues in transboundary basins
and groundwater
* economic hydrology; hydrology and livelihoods; cultural and social water
allocation; social impacts of water infrastructure.

Open Access journal
This journal is fully open access; all articles will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download.

The publication fee for this journal is USD 1800 per accepted article, excluding taxes.

As this journal is new, it cannot have an Impact Factor yet, but it is expected that within a few years it will obtain one. However, since its inception it will be indexed in Scopus and citations to papers will become immediately visible.

See for an editorial announcing and defining the scope of the Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.10.023


O. Batelaan, Flinders University, Australia
D. Hughes, Rhodes University, South Africa
Patrick Willems, KU Leuven, Belgium
Rafa Muñoz-Carpena, University of Florida, USA

4 volumes per year, ISSN: 2214-5818


Should you accept this transfer, you will have the opportunity to revise your paper, taking into account the reviews received from "Journal of Hydrology". The revision will take place after your paper has been transferred to the new journal but before it is assigned to an Editor.

If you do make revisions to your paper, please ensure that you include a cover letter detailing your changes and any responses to reviewers when you finalise your submission.

This option does not constitute a guarantee that your paper will be published in the suggested Journal, but it is our hope that this arrangement will help expedite the process for promising papers.

To learn more about the new article transfer service, please visit
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木虫 (正式写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
2楼2017-03-27 16:35:45
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新虫 (初入文坛)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
楼主找到答案了吗? Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies是什么期刊?我也遇到同样的问题
3楼2018-05-14 11:13:16
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相关版块跳转 我要订阅楼主 水保阿年 的主题更新
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