挪威科技大学(NTNU)博士招生 待遇优厚 计算材料学方向优先
大家好,现在NTNU有一个计算材料学方向的博士位置,老板想要一个做过DDD的,如果没有的话做过MD或者晶体塑性的也可以,关键是编程技巧要好。主要是金属的氢脆、断裂方向的计算和模拟,基本的介绍可以看下面的广告。有兴趣的请直接联系Prof. Afrooz Barnoush (afrooz.barnoush@ntnu.no)。最好是能很快就开始的。
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim represents academic eminence in technology and the natural sciences as well as in other academic disciplines ranging from the social sciences, the arts, medicine, teacher education, architecture to fine art. Cross-disciplinary cooperation results in innovative breakthroughs and creative solutions with far-reaching social and economic impact.
Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology
Department of Engineering Design and Materials
The Department of Engineering Design and Materials (IPM) at the Norwegian University Science and Technology (NTNU) announce two vacant PhD positions. The PhD positions will be run for 3 years under the umbrella of the HyF-Lex (Field life extension through controlling the combined material degradation of fatigue and hydrogen) project, which is a research project financed by the Research Council of Norway conducted in collaboration with SINTEF materials and chemistry. The main aim of the project is to study the effect of hydrogen on fatigue crack growth process.
Requirements for the positions
The positions require a Master’s degree or equivalent in materials science, physics, chemistry, mechanical engineering, or related fields. Knowledge and experiences in electrochemistry and metallurgy including surface characterisation techniques. The aim of the study is to set up an optimized mechanism-based micromechanicalchemical model to address the combined degradation effect from fatigue and hydrogen. Recent advanced multiscale modeling techniques, e.g. Ab initio Density Functional Theory (DFT), Molecular Dynamics (MD), Discrete Dislocation Dynamics (DDD), Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Modeling (CPFEM) and Cohesive Zone Modeling (CZM) will be used. The model will be validated against carefully chosen experimental tests with or without the presence of hydrogen.
The successful applicants are motivated and ambitious students with excellent grades. Proficiency to carry out goal-oriented work, good skills to deliver oral and written presentation of research results, and good cooperation abilities will be emphasized.
The PhD candidates will be required to work in Trondheim at the Department of Engineering Design and Materials. A statement on when the applicant can start in the position if selected should be supplied.
Conditions of appointment:
PhD Candidates are remunerated in code 1017, and are normally remunerated at wage level 50, gross NOK 429 400 before tax. There will be a 2 % deduction to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund from gross wage.
Engagement as a PhD Candidate is done in accordance with “Regulation concerning terms and conditions of employment for the posts of post-doctoral research fellow, research fellow, research assistant and resident”, given by the Ministry of Education and Research of 19.07.2010. The goal of the positions is to obtain a PhD degree. Applicants will engage in an organized PhD training program, and appointment requires approval of the applicants plan for a PhD study within three months from the date of commencement. See http://www.ntnu.edu/ivt/phd for more information.
The engagement is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants. The positions adhere to the Norwegian Government's policy of balanced ethnicity, age and gender. Women are encouraged to apply.
According to the new Freedom of Information Act, information concerning the applicant may be made public even if the applicant has requested not to be included in the list of applicants.
The application must contain information of educational background and work experience. Certified copies of transcripts and reference letters should be enclosed.
For further information about the position, please contact Professor Afrooz Barnoush, afrooz.barnoush@ntnu.no. |