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[资源] Chem. Rev.最新综述:中空微纳米结构的合成,性质及应用 殷亚东出品

Synthesis, Properties, and Applications of Hollow Micro-/Nanostructures 共78页 引文925篇
Xiaojing Wang,†,‡ Ji Feng,† Yaocai Bai,†,‡ Qiao Zhang,* ,†,§ and Yadong Yin* ,†,‡
†Department of Chemistry, and ‡Materials Science and Engineering Program, University of California, Riverside, California 92521,United States
§Institute of Functional Nano and Soft Materials (FUNSOM), Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology (NANO-CIC), Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Carbon-Based Functional Materials & Devices, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, People ’ s Republic of China

ABSTRACT: In this Review, we aim to provide an updated summary of the research related to hollow micro- and nanostructures, covering both their synthesis and their applications. After a brief introduction to the de fi nition and classi fi cation of the hollow micro-/nanostructures, we discuss various synthetic strategies that can be grouped into three major categories, including hard templating, soft templating, and self-templating synthesis. For both hard and soft templating strategies, we focus on how di ff erent types of templates are generated and then used for creating hollow structures. At the end of each section, the structural and morphological control over the product is discussed. For the self-templating strategy, we survey a number of unconventional synthetic methods, such as surface-protected etching, Ostwald ripening, the Kirkendall e ff ect, and galvanic replacement. We then discuss the unique properties and niche applications of the hollow structures in diverse fi elds, including micro-/nanocontainers and reactors, optical properties and applications, magnetic properties, energy storage, catalysis, biomedical applications, environmental remediation, and sensors. Finally, we provide a perspective on future development in the research relevant to hollow micro-/nanostructures.期待您的好评,非常感谢!Chem. Rev.最新综述:中空微纳米结构的合成,性质及应用 殷亚东出品

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  • 2016-06-16 08:46:12, 42.52 M
  • 附件 2 : QQ截图20160616091815.png
  • 2016-06-16 09:17:49, 33.68 K

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