我是一位电气工程的本科生,最近偶然发现了交通运输wardrop 第一和第二定律对应的电路模型,可以用于快速规划/判别 道路是否符合UE和SO。于是,我在小木虫搜集了交通类期刊,然后分别building and environment 和 journal of Transportation Engineering 投稿,但是每次一旦进入技术审核,总是说‘不属于该期刊的范畴’——但是我在浏览他们网站的时候,确定是有这个分支的(分支是traffic modeling) 。这种情况是不是说明,编辑在找借口拒绝,觉得文章不好,而不是不适合他们的范畴?
emuch1225 aka Sam
J of Transportation Engineering:
Ref.: Ms. No. TEENG-3962
Equivalent Electrical Circuit to Wardrop First and Second Principles XXXX, Undergraduate, Bachelor
Dear Mr. XXXXXX,
Your Technical Paper, listed above, was recently returned to us after an initial review by the editor. The editor's decision was to decline the manuscript as being outside the scope of the journal, as indicated in the comments below.
We appreciate having had the opportunity to consider your manuscript for ASCE's Journal of Transportation Engineering.
XXXXXXXX Editorial Coordinator
Reviewers' comments:
This paper is better suited for a methodology journal such as transportation science or transportation research part b.
Dear Mr. XXXXX,
Thank you for your submission to Building and Environment.
This manuscript is beyond the aims and scope of Building and Environment and is not suitable for the journal. I regret that Building and Environment could not publish your paper. By submitting your paper to a more relevant journal, this would offer the highest likelihood that your paper will in the end be accepted and published. I do apologize for any inconvenience caused. Your understanding is highly appreciated.
I would nevertheless like to take this opportunity of thanking you for your interest in publishing with Building and Environment, and to wish you every success in finding a suitable journal for the publication of your research.
Yours sincerely,
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