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至尊木虫 (知名作家)

[资源] 混泥土中钢材的腐蚀问题:理解、发现并修复(英文第二版)

Corrosion of Steel in Concrete: Understanding, Investigation and Repair
This second edition provides information on corrosion of steel in concrete
in atmospherically exposed concrete structures with some additional
information on early 20th century steel framed stone and brick buildings.
The sections on corrosion theory, corrosion monitoring, galvanic cathodic
protection and other areas have been introduced or expanded to reflect the
changes of the past decade since the first edition. The increasing number of
relevant national and international standards is also reflected in the text.
The book provides a guide for those responsible for buildings and other
reinforced concrete structures as they are engaged to design, construct,
maintain and repair them. It reviews the present state of knowledge of
corrosion of steel in concrete from the theory through to site investigations
and then remedying the problem. There is also a section on building more
corrosion resistant structures.
The aim of the book is to educate and guide engineers, surveyors and
owners of structures so that they will have a clear idea of the problem and
will know where to go to start finding solutions. No single book can be a
complete course in any subject and there is no substitute for personal ‘hands
on’ experience. There are many experienced engineers and corrosion
experts who deal with these problems on a day-to-day basis. The reader is
recommended to seek expert advice when dealing with subjects that are
new to him. However, the aim of being an ‘informed client’ is to be
recommended and this book should help in that respect. It is also essential
that students of civil engineering, building sciences and architecture
understand the problems they will face as they start to practice their skills.
We need more engineers, materials scientists, building surveyors and architects
who are trained to look at wider durability issues in these days of
sustainable development and conservation of resources.
It is impossible in one book to be totally comprehensive. Consequently
some subjects such as cement chemistry and concrete admixtures have not
been covered in much detail. They are better covered in other specialist texts.
This book concentrates on the corrosion of steel in its cementitious environment
and how it is dealt with in methods that are sometimes unique to the
corrosion engineering field rather than the civil or building engineering field.
1 Introduction 1
References 4
2 Corrosion of steel in concrete 6
2.1 The corrosion process 7
2.2 Black rust 9
2.3 Pits, stray current and bacterial corrosion 10
2.4 Electrochemistry, cells and half cells 13
2.5 Conclusions 15
References 15
3 Causes and mechanisms of corrosion in concrete 16
3.1 Carbonation 16
3.2 Chloride attack 19
3.3 Corrosion damage 26
3.4 Cracks, crack orientation and corrosion 28
3.5 The synergistic relationship between chloride and
carbonation attack, chloride binding and release 29
References 30
4 Condition evaluation 31
5 Corrosion monitoring 103
5.1 Regular surveys to monitor corrosion 104
5.2 Permanent corrosion monitoring systems 104
5.3 Remote monitoring systems and data management 111
References 111
6 Physical and chemical repair and rehabilitation
techniques 112
7 Electrochemical repair techniques 140
8 Rehabilitation methodology 208
8.1 Technical differences between repair options 209
8.2 Repair costs 209
8.3 Carbonation options 213
8.4 Chloride options 218
8.5 Standards and guidance for selection of repairs 222
References 225
9 Modelling and calculating corrosion, deterioration
and life cycle costing of reinforced concrete structures 227
10 Design for durability 244
11 Future developments 263
References 266
Appendix: sources of information on
corrosion of steel in concrete 267
Glossary and index 271

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至尊木虫 (知名作家)

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