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[交流] 那一年我们真的没有钱

那一年,我们好像很有钱that year,it seems we were very rich
那一年,我们好像很有钱that year,we seem very rich
走进宿舍楼的时候When we got into the dormitory building
会买一包爸爸都舍不得抽的烟We bought a bag of tobacco which is so expensive that father could not buy
那一年,我们好像很有钱that year,it seems we were very rich
你会在柜台前天上半天的化妆品We could spend half a day to makeup ourselves sitting in front of the dresser
可妈妈用的最多的“化妆品” However, the most of cosmetics mother used
却是年复一年陪伴着她的透明皂和洗涤灵Is the transparent soap and washing detergent which accompany her year after year
那一年,我们好像很有钱that year,it seems we were very rich
冷天出门就叫出租车We took taxi when we got out
而爸妈上班却顶着凛冽的寒风骑着自行车But, father and mother bicycle to work even in extremely cold weather
那一年,我们好像很有钱that year,it seems we were very rich
一个月的电话费One month’s correspondence fee
抵得上爸妈仅有电话、短信功能的手机Which is as much as a mobile phone that father and mother use which only can calling and sending information
爸妈的手机是那么的简单This mobile phone is extremely simple
然而它最大的意义But, it’s meaning is extremely rich
是在你需要的时候When we need
他会告诉你爸爸妈妈在惦记着你It will tell we father and mother is caring about us
可是 接到爸妈电话的我们However, when we picked up the phone from father or mother
却时常觉得他们唠叨We always thought they were gabber
只有在索要生活费时Only when do we needs money
才主动打电话给他们Then we call father and mother for it
那一年,我们好像很有钱that year,it seems we were very rich

玩纸牌、麻将不在乎赢钱输钱We played cards and Majiang without caring about money
谁会想到爸妈餐桌上吃的是哪些菜饭Who knows which kind of meal father and mother eat
那一年,我们好像很有钱that year,it seems we were very rich
成为自己情侣吃穿玩乐的“保姆” We were nurse for our sweethearts’ eating and playing
回家却不能给爸妈买一件最便宜的衣服When we got home we bought nothing for our parents, even the cheapest clothes.
那一年That year  
我们好像很有钱We seem to be rich
经常参加同学朋友的生日聚会We often attend our friend’s birthday party
而不记得爸妈的生日是哪天But don't remember which day is mom and dad's birthday.
什么时候I don’t know when
我们学会睡到中午起来We learn to sleep until noon up
然后脸也不洗的拨通楼下饭店的订餐电话Then do not wash our face to the call the downstairs restaurant
什么时候I don’t know when
我们忘记了儿时做英雄的念头We forget the idea that to be a hero of our childhood
只学会了在饭店里叫嚷服务员上酒上菜Only learned shout on wine in the hotel
什么时候I don’t know when
爸妈开始为儿女的面子问题Parents start girdles belt that they can afford our luxury life
从自己的腰带上挤出我们的灯红酒绿for our face problems
什么时候I don’t know when
网络的虚拟变成生活的虚荣The virtual of network become into vanity of life
网聊、网游结婚让你不以为耻,反以为荣You don’t shamed with Net chats, online marriage, but honor you feel
父母付出千辛万苦Parents pay hardship
送我们来他们想念而没有机会念的大学They give us the chance to university where they miss but never have opportunity to enter
而我们却在他们给予厚望的地方But we are enjoy the life that they never have
享受着父母永远享受不到的生活in their expectations of place.
这一年This year
我们要毕业了We are going to graduate
明白了大学曾是让人所有的虚荣At then we understand the university is where our vanity
都觉得心安理得的地方Becoming comfort
这一年This year
我们要毕业了We are going to graduate
在电话这端不停的埋怨爸妈We constantly blame our parents
为什么还不托亲戚朋友给自己找工作Why don’t they request relatives and friends look for a job for us
而忘了本应该是把自己找到工作的消息告诉父母But forget we should told them we already have a job ourselves
换来他们电话那边含辛茹苦的一个微笑For they sunshine smile
这一年This year
我们要毕业了We are going to graduate
才想起用爸妈血汗钱买的教科书看的那么少At then we remember we looked so few textbooks buy by their hard-earned money
而那些激发我们虚荣心的时尚杂志But those a fashion magazine and full of illusion of the best-selling novel
和充满虚幻的畅销小说却看的那么多We read so many
这一年This year
我们要毕业了We are going to graduate
有谁敢说自己没有缺过一节课No one dares say that he or she never lack a lesson
甚至连和别人谈起挂科都引以为荣Sometimes we even feel honor when we fail in exam.
那一年That year
我们真的没有钱We really have no money
尽管下馆子、进网吧、台球室、KTVBut we eating out, entering Internet bars, billiards room and KTV
说一些花花绿绿Say some nonsense
唱一些爱你爱他Sing song, you love me , I love you
那一年 that year    
我们真的没有钱we really have no money   
尽管用的是几百块的化妆品 but we spend hundreds of dollars on cosmetics   
穿的是几百块的篮球鞋 Wearing basketball shoes which cost hundreds of dollars   
那一年 that year    
我们真的没有钱we really have no money  尽管充值卡、游戏卡买的一摞一摞 in spite of puchasing stacks of game cards  
那一年that year   
我们真的没有钱we really have no money  
尽管煲电话粥一天一天 Although talking on the phone day after day   
玩游戏一夜一夜  Playing computer games night after night      
那一年that year   
我们真的没有钱we really have no money   当你有能力赚钱的时候 If you would have the ability to earn money   
便不会把无知当个性 You wouldn’t mistake ignorant for character   
那一年that year   
就让他只是那一年吧 supposing it was only one year   
真心希望我们未来会很有钱 Sincerely hoping that our future would be very rich   
让爸妈过上幸福的日子 making our parents to live happy lives   
去补偿我们曾经为了向爸妈要钱  compensating for asking the parents for money   
而说过的谎言 falsehood said we 我们的大学之路 Our university roads 承载了多少父母的期待 affording too much the parents expection   
父母又多少次因你考入大学而引以为荣 how many times our Parents were proud of you being college    
而现在 but now   
如果仅仅以为一张大学录取通知书回报他们 If just using a college matriculate notice  to repay them   
到现在 up to now   
如果仅仅揣着四年书籍变卖换成的几十块钱 if taking only dozens of dollars which the used books in four years are sold  走出校园的大门 going out of the school gate   
我们如何面对校门外父母脸上头发上岁月的痕迹How can we face the parents who are so vicissitudes waiting outside the schoolgate. 
又如何面对自己曾经12年的寒窗苦读 How we face to 12 years which we worked hard before   和4年的青葱岁月 And 4 years of youngth   
往而不可追者 things  can’t  recover   
年也 years   
去而不可见者 Not visiable to who   
亲也 parents  

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新虫 (著名写手)

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
高亢cher: 金币+10, ……飞飞辛苦了 2014-08-13 18:19:52
高亢cher: 回帖置顶 2014-10-30 12:29:05
Part 1:
It seems as if we were very rich that year.(虚拟语气)这是题目?
That year, we seem to be very rich.
When going into the dormitory, we bought a packet of cigarettes that father was reluctant to buy.
That year, we seem to be very rich.
We would spend half a day to pick and choose cosmetics in front of the counter.
However, mom’s most commonly used toiletries are the transparent soap and dish soap along with her year by year.
That year, we seem to be very rich.
We went out in the cold by taxi.
But, father and mother bicycle to work even in the piercing wind.
That year, we seem to be very rich.
One month's phone bill is worth parents’ mobile phones only with basic telephone and SMS functions.
I walk a lonely road.
38楼2014-08-13 18:15:17
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银虫 (知名作家)


[ 发自小木虫客户端 ]
5楼2014-08-12 20:45:14
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木虫 (文坛精英)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
6楼2014-08-12 20:45:23
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铜虫 (知名作家)


[ 发自小木虫客户端 ]
7楼2014-08-12 20:46:41
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