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[交流] 每周一听——那些年我们一起练过的听力(第98期)已有37人参与





          Many people all over the world enjoy an alcoholic drink, such as wine or beer, during dinner.  Many people raise a glass of alcohol to celebrate a    (1)    or a birthday.  And having drinks after work with friends and co-workers is called “happy hour.”  And I’m sure many people are celebrating World Cup victories with a glass of beer.

          All these situations are considered “social drinking” because they happen at social events.

          But when does “social drinking” become problem drinking?

          According to the World Health Organization alcohol    (2)    kills 3.3 million people each year.  That is six percent of all deaths around the world.
          And in a new report on alcohol use around the world, the WHO says alcohol can create dependency, or    (3)    , in some people.  The report also warns that alcohol use can increase the risk of developing more than 200 diseases, including some kinds of cancers.   And, the WHO says alcohol abuse can put people at greater risk of infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, pneumonia and HIV.   

          WHO Mental Health and Substance Abuse Director Shekhar Saxena says the organization is concerned about drinking among young people between the ages 15 and 19.  And it is most concerned about “binge-drinking,” or an    (4)    period of heavy drinking.

         "The report concludes that worldwide 16 percent of drinkers over the age of 15 engage in binge-drinking, which is much more    (5)    than other kind of drinking ... which causes the most harm in terms of accidents, self-harm and harm to others.  High income countries have the highest alcohol per capita consumption and also the highest prevalence of binge-drinking.”

      The report warns of a few other worrying trends.  For example, women should take special note.

          The report warns that more women are drinking alcohol.  And, the report says women are    (6)    than men for some alcohol-related health conditions.

          The report also found that the highest rates of alcohol-linked deaths are in Europe, followed by the West Pacific and then the Americas.  The report also finds Europe is the area with the highest alcohol use.  Central and Eastern Europe are especially high.

          The WHO says people in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, and some neighboring countries drink a lot of alcohol and binge drink.

          Vladimir Poznyak is the WHO Management of Substance Abuse Coordinator.  He says less alcohol is used in Africa than in Europe.  But, he adds, the health effects are worse in Africa because of    (7)    , what he calls, buffering factors -- things like social support systems and health care.

          “The difference is that in African region as well as in other countries with less resources, the consumption of alcohol brings more harm to health and to social relationship because of    (8)    buffering factors, which are often like social support, like access to health care services.  This is what is lacking.”

      The World Health Organization    (9)    ways countries can protect people from alcohol abuse.  These include increasing    (10)    on alcohol sales, raising the drinking age limit, and controlling the marketing of alcoholic beverages.

1  military
2  Ultimately
3  territory
4  religious
5  violence
6  promote
7  crisis
8  former
9  continued
10 she added that the center likely does not contain chemical weapons of military value


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  • 2014-06-28 19:37:29, 2.36 M

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阿飞1990乖乖: 金币+15, 恭喜满分,继续努力。\(^o^)/~ 2014-06-28 22:19:46
12楼2014-06-28 22:06:21
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木虫 (著名写手)

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阿飞1990乖乖: 金币+15, 恭喜满分,谢谢参与! 2014-06-28 20:29:01
2楼2014-06-28 20:00:22
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荣誉版主 (职业作家)


阿飞1990乖乖: 回帖置顶 2014-06-28 20:09:39

1. announce vt.宣布; 述说
例句:Please announce to the children that there will be no school this afternoon.  

2. involve vt.包含; 使参与,牵涉
例句:Don't involve me in your quarrel!  

3. appeal vi.(迫切)要求; 有吸引力; 求助(于)
例句:Parish conservatives want to appeal.

4. inclusive adj.包括的,包罗广泛的
例句:The rent is &10 inclusive of heating.  

5. dominate vt. 控制; 在…中占首要地位
例句:A great man can dominate others by force of character.  

6. confirm vt.[法]确认,批准
例句:Unilever refused to confirm the news.

7. contain vt.包含,容纳
例句:Does this box contain biscuits?  


1. It also includes sending up to 300 United States military advisers to support the government against Islamic militants.

send up 发射;  使向上升
例句:You want me to send up another plane?

2. American combat troops are not going to be fighting in Iraq again.

be going to 要,会,将要
例句:It felt pleasant to be going to work.  

3. Recently, Mr. Obama has been considering what to do in Iraq because of Sunni Muslim militants.  

because of 由于
例句:The journey was slow because of continual stops.  

4. Militant fighters have taken control of major Iraqi cities and territory.

take control of 控制
例句:There must be someone who can take control of these naughty children

5. An American official told VOA the U.S. military has been ready to direct with several plans of action.  

be ready to 预备,即将; 甘于
例句:Be ready to discuss these issues.

6. The official said any military operation must be supported by political actions and goals that would help deal with the crisis.

deal with 与…交易; 应付
例句:I cannot deal with your paranoia.

7. A State Department official said the U.S. is “concerned about the seizure of any site by the ISIL."

concern about 使(自己)关心…
例句:There is a lot of concern about political transition.

President Barack Obama has announced a plan to help the Iraqi government stop unrest in the country. His plan is aimed at increasing intelligence-gathering and improving security in Iraq. It also includes sending up to 300 United States military advisers to support the government against Islamic militants.

The president spoke to reporters at the White House on Thursday. He said the plan does not involve sending U.S. combat forces to Iraq.

"American combat troops are not going to be fighting in Iraq again. We do not have the ability to simply solve this problem by sending in tens of thousands of troops and committing the kinds of blood and treasure that [have] already been expended in Iraq. Ultimately, this is something that is going to have to be solved by the Iraqis."

Just two and one-half years ago, the president ordered the last U.S. ground troops in the Iraq war to leave the country. The order followed eight years of fighting.

Recently, Mr. Obama has been considering what to do in Iraq because of Sunni Muslim militants. Militant fighters have taken control of major Iraqi cities and territory. A group called the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant is leading the offensive.

In his speech, Mr. Obama made an appeal to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. He urged Mr. Maliki, a Shi'ite, to rise above religious differences and make the government more inclusive.

"Iraqi leaders must rise above their differences and come together around a political plan for Iraq's future. Shia, Sunni, Kurds, all Iraqi must have confidence that they can advance their interests and aspirations through the political process rather than violence."

On Wednesday, U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden spoke with Mr. Maliki by telephone. Mr. Biden urged him to govern in what he called an "inclusive manner, promote stability and unity among Iraq's population, and address the legitimate needs of Iraq diverse communities."

An American official told VOA the U.S. military has been ready to direct with several plans of action. The military has held back because of Iraq's political situation. The official said any military operation must be supported by political actions and goals that would help deal with the crisis.

Sheik Nasser Bin Hamad Al-Khalifa is a former Qatari Ambassador to the United Nations and to the U.S. The Sheik offered his opinion on the political situation.
Sheik Nasser Bin Hamad Al-Khalifa是前任卡塔尔驻联合国和美国大使。谢赫对政治局势提出了自己的观点。

He said "instead of really opening up Iraq and making it a model for the region, Maliki became beholden to the Iranians' strategic goals in the region, i.e. to dominate the whole Middle East and the Gulf," and "he created a sectarian state."

On Friday, Iraqi troops continued fighting Islamic militants over control of a major oil refinery. Since Tuesday, the two sides have fought more than 200 kilometers north of Baghdad for control of the Beiji refinery. As of late Thursday, each side held part of the factory.

In another development, the U.S. State Department confirmed that the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant has taken control of a chemical weapons center. A State Department official said the U.S. is "concerned about the seizure of any site by the ISIL." She added that the center likely does not contain chemical weapons of military value.
3楼2014-06-28 20:09:31
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银虫 (知名作家)


3楼: Originally posted by 阿飞1990乖乖 at 2014-06-28 20:09:31

1. announce vt.宣布; 述说
例句:Please announce to the children that there will be no school th ...


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4楼2014-06-28 20:11:02
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