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铜虫 (正式写手)

[交流] SCI论文投稿前必须要进行语言润色吗?求祝啊~~~已有34人参与

Dear Dr. Zhang:

Thank you for your interest in publishing in our journal. I have examined your paper and conclude that it is not appropriate for publication and therefore will not be considered further.

The topic of the manuscript and your scientific findings could potentially make a good contribution to our journal. However, the English of the manuscript is unacceptable for any international publication. The English must be improved before the manuscript can be reviewed. I strongly suggest that you work with a native English speaker to improve the communication. If you are able to improve the English to meet international standards, I would be willing to have the manuscript go through our regular review process.

Although I realize that you will be disappointed by this finding, I hope that by making the decision prior to external review, additional delay can be avoided as you seek to bring your work up to international standards.

I regret that I cannot be more supportive of the paper. Thank you for considering Ecosystems as an outlet for your work.





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[ 发自小木虫客户端 ]
27楼2013-12-21 13:59:11
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