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[交流] 夏幼南在Acc. Chem. Res.的最新综述:铂纳米晶形貌控制合成及在催化领域的应用已有4人参与

最新一期的Acc. Chem. Res.刊发了美国佐治亚理工大学夏幼南教授课题组撰写的题为Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Pd Nanocrystals and Their Catalytic Applications的研究性综述,主要综述了铂纳米晶的形貌控制合成以及在催化领域的应用。文章12页,引文34篇。

Palladium is a marvelous catalyst for a rich variety of reactions in industrial processes and commercial devices. Most Pd-catalyzed reactions exhibit structure sensitivity, meaning that the activity or selectivity depends on the arrangement of atoms on the surface. Previously, such reactions could only be studied in ultrahigh vacuum using Pd single crystals cut with a specific crystallographic plane. However, these model catalysts are far different from real catalytic systems owing to the absence of atoms at corners and edges and the extremely small specific surface areas for the model systems. Indeed, enhancing the performance of a Pd-based catalyst, in part to reduce the amount needed of this precious and rare metal for a given reaction, requires the use of Pd with the highest possible specific surface area. Recent advances in nanocrystal synthesis are offering a great opportunity to investigate and quantify the structural sensitivity of catalysts based on Pd and other metals. For a structure-sensitive reaction, the catalytic properties of Pd nanocrystals are strongly dependent on both the size and shape. The shape plays a more significant role in controlling activity and selectivity, because the shape controls not only the facets but also the proportions of surface atoms at corners, edges, and planes, which affect the outcomes of possible reactions. We expect catalysts based on Pd nanocrystals with optimized shapes to meet the increasing demands of industrial applications at reduced loadings and costs.

In this Account, we discuss recent advances in the synthesis of Pd nanocrystals with controlled shapes and their resulting performance as catalysts for a large number of reactions. First, we review various synthetic strategies based on oxidative etching, surface capping, and kinetic control that have been used to direct the shapes of nanocrystals. When crystal growth is under thermodynamic control, the capping agent plays a pivotal role in determining the shape of a product by altering the order of surface energies for different facets through selective adsorption; the resulting product has the lowest possible total surface energy. In contrast, the product of a kinetically controlled synthesis often deviates from the thermodynamically favored structure, with notable examples including nanocrystals enclosed by high-index facets or concave surfaces.

We then discuss the key parameters that control the nucleation and growth of Pd nanocrystals to decipher potential growth mechanisms and build a connection between the experimental conditions and the pathways to different shapes. Finally, we present a number of examples to highlight the use of these Pd nanocrystals as catalysts or electrocatalysts for various applications with structure-sensitive properties. We believe that a deep understanding of the shape-dependent catalytic properties, together with an ability to experimentally maneuver the shape of metal nanocrystals, will eventually lead to rational design of advanced catalysts with substantially enhanced performance.

[ 来自科研家族 材料家族 ]

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