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[交流] 新加坡国立大学 HE Chaobin 课题组招聘博士后


five postdoctoral research fellow positions are open in prof he’s group at the department of materials science and engineering, national university of singapore (nus). these are two-year contracts, with the possibility of renewal upon review.

the research themes lies in the areas of functional polymers, tough hydrogel,  nanocomposites /composites, and composite thermoelectric materials. researchers in the group have opportunities to collaborate with a-star research institutes in singapore.  

candidates should have:

a ph.d. degree in area of polymer chemistry, polymer physics, polymer engineering, or organic chemistry.
equipped with skills in polymer synthesis/modification, polymer processing, or organic synthesis.
good at materials characterization using tem, sem, saxs/waxs, light scattering, rheometer, thermal and chemical analysis, and mechanical testing.
self-motivated and demonstrated a good track record in quality publication.
1-2 years postdoc experience is an advantage while fresh ph.d. graduates are also welcome to apply.

start date: may 2024 or mutual agreement
duration: 2 years (renewable upon review)
salary range: s$5,000-6,000/month and a bonus of one month salary will be provided at year end, plus other benefits (health insurance / etc…)
conference/workshop: budget is available for staff to attending conferences

candidates may send their cv to prof. chaobin he at msehc@nus.edu.sg.
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