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木虫 (小有名气)

[求助] 请问各位大佬们,综述性论文的审稿意见一般都是怎么样的?已有4人参与

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超级版主 (文学泰斗)

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2楼2022-11-19 09:09:00
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木虫 (小有名气)

2楼: Originally posted by nono2009 at 2022-11-19 09:09:00

3楼2022-11-19 09:25:53
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新虫 (小有名气)


4楼2022-11-19 23:55:27
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至尊木虫 (文坛精英)


感谢参与,应助指数 +1
下面是我们一篇发表在 ACS Catalysis 综述文章的审稿意见

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer #1: Ligand-free noble metal nanocatalysts have got increasing attention during the past decade due to the surface clean property and excellent catalytic activity. This review is a comprehensive and systematic review summarizing the development and application of ligand-free noble metal nanocatalysts. This review summarized three synthetic methods for ligand-free synthesis , i.e. stabilization by small molecule, stabilization by modified support and constructing self-supported NPs, and concluded the applications of these synthesized ligand-free nanocatalysts for energy-related electrochemical reactions e.g. LFOR, ORR, HER and OER. Major revision is recommended to improve the quality of this work.
1. The keywords are not suitable. One is catalysis and the other is catalytic application. The meaning is somewhat repetitive. It is recommended to choose another suitable keyword.
2. Subheadings "2. The Need for Ligand-free Synthesis" and "3. The Methods for Ligand-free Synthesis" are not are inappropriate and incomplete. It is better to change to "The Need for Ligand-free Noble Metal Nanocatalysts Synthesis" and "The Methods for Ligand-free Noble Metal Nanocatalysts Synthesis".
3. The content of the fourth part is too brief. Electrocatalysis covers a wide range, and common reactions such as carbon dioxide reduction and nitrogen reduction are not included.
4. The differences between metal nanoparticles with ligands and without ligands, and the comparison of advantages and disadvantages between them can be summarized in a table, which will be more clear.
5. For ligand-free metal nanoparticles, how to prove the nanoparticles are ligand-free? What test methods can be used to characterize the ligand-free nanoparticles? It is better to give some examples or summarize the characterizations methods.

Reviewer #2: In this manuscript, authors introduced the progress of the ligand-free synthesis of noble metal nanocatalysts for electrocatalysis. Although this review contains many different sections, each section seems to be relatively weak. For the sections of catalysis-related application, the authors only simply introduce few examples for catalytic applications without deep understanding and discussion. Considering the quality of this review, therefore, I could not suggest the publication of this work in Chemical Engineering Journal. I still have some concerns as bellow:
1.  Some figures and images are not sufficiently clear, especially picture of Figure 6, Figure 10. I suggest citing the high resolution pictures from references.
2.  As for the section of synthetic routes, the authors should also comparatively analyze the advantages and disadvantages of every synthetic route.
3.  In this review, the author introduced several works related to Ligand-free Noble Metal Nanocatalysts for different catalytic reactions. However, the discussions on ORR, OER and HER are too thin.
4.  Noble Metal Nanocatalysts are widely applied in diverse catalytic reactions. Some important catalytic reactions (e.g., CO2 reduction, nitrogen reduction reaction) should be summarized and discussed.
5.  It would be great that the authors could provide some characterization discussions about the Ligand-free Noble Metal Nanocatalysts.
6.  Format reference 54, 87, 114. The subscript should be used for a molecular formula.

Reviewer #3: Comments: The review comprehensively summaries the ligand-free preparation of noble metal nanocatalysts and their electrocatalytic applications. Three synthesis methods for ligand-free synthesis (stabilization by small molecule, stabilization by modified support and constructing self-supported NPs) are classified and typical examples are given. The applications in energy-related electrochemical reactions are concluded. Most of summary can be supported by listed research, however, it is lack of some insight. The specific comments are listed below.
1.  Highlight may be supplemented for directly hint the topic of review.
2.  Abstract: Too much information was put forward on the lack of traditional colloidal synthesis method, but comparatively little useful information was given about the contents and applications of energy-related electrochemical reactions (which should be the focus of this review article). So, I would recommend the authors reduce/minimize the former part; but instead strengthen the latter part to illustrate the applications of the catalysts with ligand-free properties. Also, please explain why synthesized methods of the catalysts with ligand-free properties are important.
3.  Introduction: Certainly the topic of this review is novel but it is not clear about the novelty in terms of energy-related electrochemical reactions. Why the applications in energy-related electrochemical reactions are summarized?
4.  I think it is a good idea to make some conclusive statement about the comparison between the different synthesis methods of ligand-free noble metal nanocatalysts by listing a table.
5.  The findings from past study were not well synthesized and critically evaluated in section 4. I would suggest synthesizing and generalizing the common findings from similar research and critically evaluated of these work in terms of progress and limitations. Some related published references could be discussed and summarized, such as: Environmental Science Nano, 2021, 8, 3067-3097, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 422, 126950, and Environmental Science and Pollution Research, doi: 10.1007/s11356-022-20064-w.
6.  Overall, some ideas were put forward here but these ideas have already been given for other types of ligand-free noble metal nanocatalysts in the literature. So, I think this section needs to be improved to give the real insights from the authors themselves.
5楼2022-11-21 05:09:11
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至尊木虫 (文坛精英)


是 Chemical Engineering Journal, 不是 ACS Catalysis
6楼2022-11-21 05:10:34
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金虫 (正式写手)


https://cjl.lightpublishing.cn/v ... x=2&lang=zh

7楼2022-11-22 16:29:25
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铁杆木虫 (正式写手)


1、这是一篇综述性的论文,论文对一些新的进展进行了描述,内容较为新颖,能够引起读者的兴趣。 2、在生物医学应用上,作者说讲的是最新的进展,并分三个方向进行了阐述,但只是简单的罗列举例,也不能对国内外的发展现状进行一个较为全面的综述。虽然论文引用了一些最新的文献,但是介绍的内容还有很多是多年前的文献,在此期间,国内外还是有很多重要的发展的。  综上所述,论文还有进一步提升的空间。3、引言中的这句话“而这些新进展并未被上述综述涵盖”是否妥当,每篇论文都有其叙述的主题或重点。
8楼2022-11-24 21:19:23
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