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铁杆木虫 (正式写手)

[交流] Polymer Engineering and Science(PES) 顺利接收

文章的内容来源于手上的一个项目,关于高分子结构-加工-性能的研究和表征(在滚塑行业,比较冷门),因为发现一个比较奇怪的现象,前后用dsc, rheometry表征,自己是从dsc(是看了一篇polymer文章的启发)看出微小的差别,再用rheometry表征(是受到一篇nature material文章的启发),前后5个月,再看相关的文章,来解释原因,正是这篇经历,给我的英文写作能力有了一篇提高。
其实写文章的原因,有大部分的原因是想评职称,当时写了两篇中文,其实是太卷了(到现在这两篇还在投,其中一篇我也被逼得改成英文投了),在以前研究生的小老师的鼓励后,开始撰写sci。本来想投japs,但读研时发过一篇,时间太长了,受不了,所以投了polymer, 哎,怎么说呢, 是个悲剧,主要有两方面的原因:with editor足足拖了我2个月,2个月后再拒稿,建设我改投elsevier的一个oa;另一方面,投的比较匆忙,文章的语言的确有很多问题,主要是最后写的introduction, 回想起来就写了1-2小时,可能多少有copy的嫌疑
刚好此间与一些认识的老师交流,他无意间给我看了一篇他刚中的polymer composites,我看了一下时间,效率真高,从投稿到接收才3-4个月,网上一查,polymer engineering and science(pes) 与polymer composites刚好是姐妹期刊,所以把之前的文章 修改一下,投了pes,之后好运就来了。
reviewer: 1

comments to the author

reviewer: 2

comments to the author
this paper focuses on study the effect of lamella thickness on bubble dissolution during rotomoulding process. however, the bubbles dissolution usually take place in the melted state, that is, in this work, maybe 190°c and above. at this temperature, the lamella crystals of lldpe, with a melting point around 120-130°c, have already disappeared. thus, the lamella thickness may not be the key factor of bubble dissolution.
in addition, in figure4, the areas of melting peaks present zn01 has a higher crystallinity, corresponding to its thicker lamella crystal. then, zn01 should have a small volume of amorphous region, in which the bubbles could be dissolved before melting. that is contradict to the author’s conclution.

reviewer: 3

comments to the author
-it is true that little attention has been paid to the role of structure on bubble dissolution in rotomolding (in the open literature) and this paper will be a welcome addition.
-on page 4 5th line from top, the authors wrote " were grinded". while the word "grinded" is used in north america but "ground" in better  as "coffee beans were ground" (about 1000 more google hits).
-on line 6 page 4.... parametes were
- figure 8, vertical coordinate bubber>>>>bubble
看了审稿人的意见,我觉的中的希望很大了,花了基本一天的时间,从小木虫找回审稿意见的模板(cover letter,response to reviewer),这里也真的感谢小木虫提供这么好的资源,回复editor~也就是现在(第二天一早),editor回邮件, 说文章接收了。
we are pleased to share that the 2021 impact factor of polymer engineering and science increased to 2.573 and the 2021 citescore increased to 4.1, placing the journal in q2 in the area of polymers and plastics. we thank all our readers, authors, and reviewers for contributing to this increase.

[ last edited by 236839923 on 2022-7-7 at 09:55 ]

[ last edited by 236839923 on 2022-7-7 at 10:30 ]

[ Last edited by 236839923 on 2022-7-7 at 11:57 ]

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