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[求助] 新手第一次写套磁信,麻烦各位前辈批评指正


Dear Prof. XX,  

Hope this email finds you well.

My name is XX. I am a 2rdyear ongoing PhD student in XX. Previously, I obtained my master degree in Power Engineering, and bachelor degree in Software Engineering from XX. I am sending this email for inquiring if is it possible for me to pursue a PhD under your supervision in your group.

My current PhD research work primarily lies in XX. This research aims to solve the problem of XX. However, I found that my current research work is not very practical, the signal acquisition device is not convenient, the accuracy is not high, and it lacks feedback mechanism. Therefore, I am looking for other PhD positions to continue my research. I have visited your research articles and found my field of interest in your research area. Particularly, I am quite interested in one of your research work on XXX.

For your reference, I have attached my CV and the abstract of my master thesis. During my two-year study, I have been programming and reading papers a lot, so I believe I have a solid research foundation, and be able to get into the new research work in short.

I would quite appreciate it if we could deal an online meeting for more communication. Thanks!  

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新虫 (小有名气)

7楼2022-04-28 10:51:25
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