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金虫 (正式写手)

[交流] Journal of physical chemistry C 找作者要推文是什么意思?

Congratulations again on having your paper accepted to the Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Authors from all stages of their careers publish in the journal, and we are especially interested in knowing if this is your (or any co-authors') first paper in the Journal of Physical Chemistry as either the first author or corresponding author. If it is, please send us a quick note, as well as your Facebook and/or Twitter tags so that we can advertise the paper on social media.

Please recommend a 280-character or less tweet (including spaces) to our office and include your Manuscript ID number as the subject line. Note that we may modify the tweet before posting, and we may not be able to include all tweets submitted.

You can find us on Twitter at The Journal of Physical Chemistry@JPhysChem and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/JournalofPhysicalChemistry/.

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4楼2021-11-19 01:45:17
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