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[调剂信息] 香港城市大学机械工程系招收博士生及助研


学校: 香港城市大学
专业: 工学->机械工程->机械制造及其自动化
年级: 2022
招生人数: 2
招生状态: 正在招生中
联系方式: ********* (为保护个人隐私,联系方式仅限APP查看)



Several PhD/ RA positions in Intelligent Additive Manufacturing
The City University of Hong Kong (CityU)
Department of Mechanical Engineering (Dept. MNE)

1. Students with a degree in physics, optics/ optical engineering etc. with strong background in the field of laser, ultrafast laser, photonics, optical system design and instrumentation are encouraged to apply.
2. Students with a degree in polymer science, material science, chemistry, etc.  with strong background in the field of polymer, ceramics, colloidal nano particle and composite materials are encouraged to apply.
3. Students with a degree in mechanical, electric, biomedical, computer and other engineering with a solid background in robotics, control, and instrumentation are encouraged to apply.
4. Students who is a quick leaner and good innovator are very encouraged to apply.
Successful candidates will work with Dr. Wen and will have the opportunity to work with the cutting-edge materials and technology and to work in an international, collaborative, supportive, and inclusive interdisciplinary research environment. The group has long-term friendly relationship with excellent professors in the CityU, Chinese top universities, CAS institutes, US ivy league schools and national labs, students will have chances to visit and work at these places. Students are encouraged to collaborate with local and worldwide renowned scientists. Candidates with a master’ s degree, relevant expertise and research skills are preferable.

Xiewen Wen, Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering of CityU is setting up the lab for intelligent additive manufacturing. He has co-authored more than thirty papers in prestigious journals such as Nature Materials, Nature Photonics, Nature communications, Science Advances, Advanced Materials, PNAS etc.
Our aim is to develop unique additive manufacturing techniques of functional materials such as glass, ceramics and composites, especially in the microscale and nanoscale. By functional, the group is aiming at the application in printing on-demand micro photonic components, micro lasers, electronic chips, flexible electronics, 3D microfluidic chips for cell diagnosis, and functional composite materials with pre-designed mechanical, thermal, sonical, optical and electrical performances to revolute the industry. We will develop every technique via robotic and intelligent means, eliminating intensive trial-and-error efforts by human hands, freeing your hands and flying your minds. Come, join and grow with us.

the university and allowance:
The City University of Hong Kong ranked around 50th in recent years’ QS global university ranking, and its Engineering school is ranked top 100th in this subject worldwide. CityU provides competitive scholarship for all research postgraduate students; outstanding applicants may apply for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), which provides a monthly stipend of HK$26,600 (approximately US$3,420), or Presidential PhD Scholarship with a monthly stipend of HK$26,900 (approximately US$3,460), or normal studentship of HK$17,510 (approximately US$2,250). Monthly living cost in Hong Kong should be no more than HK$10000. RAs are paid reasonably, firstly contracted for winter/ summer/ one year and subject to extension or converting to Ph.D. student. For detailed information, please visit the website stated in the end of this ad.

interested applicants:
If you are interested, please email xiewen.wen@cityu.edu.hk and provide your cv, gpa, and preferably a half-page personal statement.

graduate requirements:
Please visit the graduate school website here:

xiewen wen
Assistant professor
Department of mechanical engineering
The city university of hong kong
Email: xiewen.wen@cityu.edu.hk

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新虫 (小有名气)

专业: 工学->机械工程->机械制造及其自动化
英语: 53
7楼2022-02-22 09:47:48
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