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[交流] 欧洲粒子加速机隧道 博士全奖已有1人参与

Project title: Distributed fibre optic sensing and deep learning-based photogrammetric analysis of ageing underground infrastructure

Supervision team: Dr. Zili Li (UCC) and John Osborne (the European Centre for Nuclear research (CERN))

Project description:

Position Description: This 4-year PhD full-time position is jointly funded by Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences (iCRAG) and CERN. The successful candidate will be registered at University College Cork, starting in September 2021 or soon thereafter. The stipend is 18,500 euros per annum at UCC in Year 1 & 4, while ca. 39,500 euros per annum at CERN in Year 2 & 3, with a contribution to tuition fees of 5,500 euros per annum.

Application: Please e-mail a CV (max. 2 pages) and a cover letter outlining your experience and motivation to Dr. Zili Li (zili.li@ucc.ie).
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3楼2021-05-24 15:51:00
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