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木虫 (正式写手)

[求助] 如何确定光催化剂的零电荷点

(本人做光催化降解RhB 和TC,最近有一审稿意见,-- to discuss the adsorption capacities of RhB and TC at the surface of the BOB photocatalyst, the point of zero charge of the photocatalyst should be determined and the pH of the RhB and TC solutions indicated.)译文:为了探讨RhB和TC在BOB光催化剂表面的吸附能力,需要确定光催化剂的零电荷点,并指出RhB和TC溶液的pH值。

为了确定光催化剂的零电荷点,我找了下面文献的Fig. 6(d)
The point of zero charge (pHpzc) for NCDs-BC-1was around 3.43 in Fig. 6(d), suggesting the NCDs-BC-1 surface was positively charged at pH < pHpzc and negatively charged at pH >pHpzc. With low pH (< 3.43), the surface charges of catalyst were slightly positive, which was facilitated for the attraction of electron-rich aromatic nucleus or the oxygens of CBZ molecular [35]. Besides, the moiety of –CONH2 in CBZ molecule was more susceptible to be decomposed in the acid solution [11]. In alkaline conditions, the CO2 from the air and degradation process would be transformed into bicarbonate ions, which might compete with CBZ for reactive species, thus the photocatalytic degradation was restrained [36].

请问各位做光催化降解的同行,这个 Fig. 6(d)d图 , 横坐标是pH 值,纵坐标是zeta 点位,中间有光催化剂的零电荷点,应该怎么做这个实验,有同行研究过吗?急求,多谢!!!


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