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木虫 (著名写手)

[交流] 二审快九个月了,还是没有结果!!!!

论文投给Elsevier出版社旗下的Information Sciences
5月1日返修,with editor三个月又23天后状态变为under review
under review历经两个月又五天后在10月28日变为required reviews completed
保持这个状态一个月后,11月29日又变为under review
又等了一个月,12月30日变为了required reviews completed
I am pleased to inform you that the status of your submission has now progressed to: 'Required reviews complete'.

This status means that I have received the minimum number of required reviews, which I will now evaluate in order to make a decision on your paper.

If the current reviews conflict with one another or are not detailed enough, I may need to seek the opinion of another reviewer to make a fair and informed conclusion about your paper. For this reason the status of your paper may change back to 'under review' for a short period of time.  

As soon as the final editor's decision can be made, you will be notified via email.

I appreciate your understanding of the time required to provide you with a thorough decision and comments on your submission.

投稿Information Sciences真的是心累,散金祈福

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28楼2021-01-25 07:00:28
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