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[交流] 帕多瓦大学物理系和神经科学中心Prof. Samir Suweis诚招CSC PhD

帕多瓦大学laboratory of interdisciplinary physics (liph)和padova neuroscience center (pnc) prof. samir suweis诚招csc phd,数学、物理、计算机、脑科学等方向均可报名。prof. samir suweis本科硕士就读于帕多瓦大学,博士就读于洛桑联邦理工学院,博士毕业后回到帕多瓦大学并找到教职,已在nature、pnas、nature communications、science advances等顶级期刊发表过多篇论文,非常优秀,人也非常好。学校介绍、导师介绍、研究方向和实验室介绍如下,大家把握机会!

we are currently seeking an extremely motivated phd student starting on 2021. our research is focused in statistical physics and computational neuroscience. students with experience in math, physics and computation, and fluent english are welcome. the detail of the scholarship is

帕多瓦大学位于威尼托大区帕多瓦省首府帕多瓦市,是世界最古老的中世纪大学之一,建于1222年,以倡导和保卫学术和教学自由为初衷。伽利略曾于1592年至1610年间在帕多瓦大学授课。elena l.cornaro-piscopia于1678年在帕多瓦大学获得学位,成为世界上第一位女性大学毕业生。

导师介绍:samir suweis graduated in physics in 2008 at the university of padova, and later earned a doctorate in environmental engineering at the ecole école polytechnique fédérale de lausanne in 2011.
after a visiting period as a researcher at the university of princeton (nj, usa ), since 2012 he works in the laboratory of interdisciplinary physics at the physics and astronomy department, university of padua, where ╟ from 2016 -he holds the position of assistant professor (rtdb). his research work is at the interface between hydrology, ecology, and biology in the context of a theoretical framework provided by the physics of complex systems. his approach to these topics includes data mining, data analysis, statistical analysis, computational and analytic modeling.
he is author of numerous scientific publications in internationally renowned journals such as nature, proceedings of the national academy of sciences and nature communications. from 2013 he teaches at the master in communication sciences at the university of padova. for more info: @samirsuweis or visit http://loop.frontiersin.org/people/294830/overview

(1)investigating fundamental coding principles of sensory information in the barrel cortex and developing novel bioelectronic interfaces and neuronal probes to interconnect brain neurons and artificial neural networks.
(2)investigation of the statistical invariants in the bursty dynamics of complex interaction networks ╟ human, animal, computer, and brain networks
(3)circuit formation and function in the central nervous system, mostly in the olfactory system and connected areas, in health and diseases.
(4)brain rhythm in health and diseases
(5)developing models of brain dynamics using approaches from complex systems and network theory. the aim is to study emergent pattern in brain activity and understand how to “control” the dynamics towards specific activity patterns.

in the spirit of the motto “interdisciplinarity is dialog” the aim of liph is to face biological and ecological problems in collaboration with experts of the field. not mixing our expertises, but summing them up. for more information, please visit https://www.liphlab.com/.
the padova neuroscience center (pnc) aims to understand the structural and functional organization of the brain at multiple spatial and temporal scales; how this organization mediates behavior, including development and aging; and, related alterations in diseases such as alzheimer, parkinson disease, depression, or stroke.  for more information, please visit http://pnc.unipd.it/phd-neuroscience/.

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