24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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新虫 (初入文坛)

[求助] 我引用的参考文献的陈述,审稿人不认同这篇文献的观点,我该怎么回答审稿人的意见?已有1人参与

审稿人意见:"Chen et al. investigated the performances of thermal-concentrated solar thermoelectric generators, and it was found that under the situation of forced convection, water cooling was better than air cooling for the net output power of the TEG due to its increased specific heat [1]. " This statement is misleading Ref[1] did say that but it has nothing to do with the performance of the TEG, because it does NOT depend on the specific heat of the coolant. What Ref. 1 meant to say is the TEG performance itself does not change with the types of coolant, but the pumping power to flow the coolant does depend on the coolant properties (water vs air), so the net power (TEG output power minus the pumping power) also depends on the coolant types. In fact, I am not sure if specific heat is the dominant factor for the pumping power. I would guess it is the density. Also, it is very difficult to get the HTC of 1000 W/m2/K for forced  convection with air (that is why an excessive pumping power is needed). In any case, I would urge the authors to carefully and critically review the papers they cited, to make sure they don't just blindly follow the conclusions of these paper or otherwise misinterpret their results.
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新虫 (著名写手)

2楼2020-09-29 20:39:53
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金虫 (著名写手)


3楼2020-09-29 20:42:27
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木虫 (正式写手)


4楼2020-09-29 20:42:55
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5楼2020-09-29 22:10:56
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金虫 (正式写手)


6楼2020-09-30 05:12:10
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铁杆木虫 (知名作家)


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仙女_1: 金币+10, ★★★★★最佳答案 2020-10-03 12:24:04

7楼2020-09-30 07:42:02
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