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金虫 (正式写手)

[求助] 帮忙看看journal of agricultural and food chemistry二修意见已有2人参与

journal of agricultural and food chemistry一审意见是大修,修回当天主编对我的手稿进行了查重(意味着并没有返给审稿人看),20天后(不知道审稿人是否同意修改意见),主编给了第二次修改机会,邮件如下:
ACS Publications uses CrossCheck's iThenticate software to detect instances of similarity in submitted manuscripts. In publishing only original research, ACS is committed to deterring plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. Your submitted manuscript appears to contain substantial overlap with published online information and articles (39% see attachment). It is ACS's policy to keep the Similarity Index below 30%.  At this time, we would like to encourage you and your co-authors to make the necessary edits to your manuscript to bring the similarity below 30% and resubmit.

Please include an updated Author Response to Reviewers file as well.

To revise your manuscript, log into ACS Paragon Plus with your ACS ID at http://paragonplus.acs.org/login and select "My Authoring Activity". There you will find your manuscript title listed under "Revisions and Resubmissions Requested by Editorial Office." Your original files are available to you when you upload your revised manuscript. If you are replacing files, please remove the old version of the file from the manuscript before uploading the new file.

第二段“Please include an updated Author Response to Reviewers file as well.”是什么意思呢?我也不确定一审的修回稿是否被认可?我应该怎么回复呢?

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新虫 (正式写手)


3楼2020-05-26 17:07:50
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新虫 (正式写手)

4楼: Originally posted by tingting1204 at 2020-05-27 09:11:50
5月13日给出上面的修改意见,仅涉及重复率问题,没提到上次返修是否满意,也没看见审稿人是否还 ...

cover letter提一下降重了,然后response正常返回就行

5楼2020-05-27 10:04:57
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