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[交流] 哈利法科技大学两维材料电磁波屏蔽方向博士后(年薪56万人民币)

哈利法科技大学(Khalifa University of Science & Technology, KU),地处世界上最安全最富庶城市之一的阿联酋首都阿布扎比市。近年来阿联酋政府大力推动科教,旨在传承及振兴中东地区自古以来之璀璨文明 (“哈利法”即含有传承之意),及发展后石油经济。 KU始建于2008年。建校以来,致力于网罗各地科研精英,各系教授皆来自欧美亚各大名校,阵容强盛,科研实力超群。自建校短时间内即已荣登各大学排名榜前位。本校航空工程系现招聘两维材料电磁波屏蔽博士后一名。

A postdoc fellow is needed to work on the following project: To develop novel ultra-lightweight, multifunctional cellular solids (i.e., foams or sponge) utilizing two-dimensional heterogeneous materials in conjunction with advanced 3D-printing technologies.  The intended applications are for electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding, lightening protection for unmanned aerial vehicles, and marine surface vehicles, as well as mechanical vibration suppression for underwater vehicles.  The postdoc will be responsible for: (a) design, synthesize, and characterize novel VDWHSs, (b) design and develop, and characterize cellular solids made of VDWHS for the aforementioned aims.

Successful candidates should have background in chemistry and/or material science and engineering, and in particular, experienced in synthesizing 2D materials (such as graphene, phosphorene, Mxene, and TMDs).  Salary for postdoc is around 6.5k+ USD/month (tax FREE) depending on experience.  Interested parties please send CV/inquiry to:

Prof. Kin Liao
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Khalifa University of Science and Technology
Email: kin.liao@ku.ac.ae

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