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新虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 香港理工大学招聘博后和 Research Associate已有6人参与

项目由香港創新及科技基金资助,涉及交叉学科,欢迎功能材料(包括亲疏水材料等),3d打印,可穿戴等方向的同学加入。博后待遇2万7港币每月,如所在专业排名世界前100(三大排名任一),可以多拿至3万2。research associate待遇为2万1港币每月。详情请见下面职位描述,欢迎站内联系和发cv到dahua.shou@polyu.edu.hk。
课题组老师主页: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/itc/en/people/academic-staff/?itcsid=68

post specification:

postdoctoral fellow (supported by hong kong innovation and technology fund)

research associate (supported by hong kong innovation and technology fund)

a highly competitive remuneration package will be offered. postdoctoral fellow: ~ hk$27,000/month; research associate: hk$21,000/month

the maximum monthly allowance is hk$32,000 for each postdoctoral talent, if the qualification awarding institution is among the top 100 institutions for stem-related subjects in the latest publication of any of the three main world university rankings (qs, shanghai, and times)

commencement date: 1 mar 2020.

applicants can state their current and expected salary in the email or cv.


(1) applicants for the postdoctoral fellow post should have a doctoral degree.

(2) preference will be given to those who have work/research experience in 3d printing, actuator, electronics and devices, wearable technology, textiles and fashion, hydrophobic materials, and functional materials.

applicants are invited to contact dr dahua shou at email:dahua.shou@polyu.edu.hk for further information

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新虫 (初入文坛)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
5楼2020-01-26 18:20:22
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