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[求助] desalination special issue 被拒,修改后投regular issue 中的概率大吗?已有1人参与

投了desalination的special issue 45天后被拒,给了一些建议,想修改后投regular issue,被拒的概率大吗?下边是编辑给的回复。求高人指导
comments from the editors and reviewers: while the paper topic looks suitable for the special issue, reviewers have identified that the paper is in need of improvements in writing, provision of sufficient detail and highlighting the novelty of the work. if this could be addressed and quality improved as per the requirements of the journal, it could be considered as a new submission. you have the option of resubmitting a substantially revised version of your paper, which would be considered as a new submission. if you decide to do this, you should refer to the reference number of the current paper and include a cover letter which explains in detail how the paper has been changed or not, in reply to the editor and reviewer comments.
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