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木虫 (正式写手)


[求助] 求助英文摘要翻译+农业养殖+有效期至2019年8月29日

Abstract.  The broiler industry has experienced remarkable improvements in productivity owing to high priority
placed on genetic programming, nutrition and management practices. Nutrition of the meat chicken is driven by the
need to satisfy the constantly increasing genetic potential, resulting in the shortening of the rearing time required to get
the bird to market weight. The concept of feeding broilers a more specialised pre-starter diet for the first 10–14 days
of age is gaining interest, as this now accounts for more than 20% of the time for grow-out. Specialised diets may be
formulated to be highly digestible or aim to provide specific nutrients at a higher level to meet nutritional requirements
of the bird. The effectiveness of specifically formulated pre-starter or starter diets depends on potential carryover
effect to increase the bird performance up to the market age. There is evidence that some nutrient requirements of
birds, digestible amino acids in particular, in the first 10 days of life may be higher than the current industry
recommendation. Among cereals, rice with its lower non-starch polysaccharide content may be a better cereal for
pre-starter diets than are corn or wheat. Inclusion of fibrous ingredients in low-fibre diets of young broilers may also
stimulate gut development and enhance nutrient utilisation, leading to improved bird performance. There are
inconsistencies in responses to various feed additives tested specifically for pre-starter diets of broilers. Finally,
with an increasing demand for removal of antibiotic growth promoters from all broiler feeds, focus on formulations
to ensure sustainable growth at start will gain importance.

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