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[交流] 美国杜克大学(Duke University)神经学系招博士后---疼痛研究方向已有2人参与

A postdoctoral position at Duke University is available to conduct research on craniofacial pain. Using molecular biology, calcium imaging, opotogenetics, neuroanatomy, mouse models and behavior test, the successful candidate is expected to design and perform experiments to identify pathological mechanisms underlying temporomandibular joint pain and migraine, with a focus on ion channels and neural circuits.

Candidate must have completed the requirements for the PhD degree or equivalent in Neuroscience related fields by the time of beginning the position. Prior experience in pain research and familiarity with animal surgery and pain behavior tests are highly desirable. The candidate must possess excellent verbal and written communication skills, be strongly motivated, and work well in a team setting.

This mentored position functions more independently and contributes towards scientific publications, and the successful candidate will have the opportunity to participate in national/international meetings. The pain research environment at Duke University is excellent. The trainee will also have the opportunity to interact directly with exceptional faculty, postdocs and graduate students to tackle research problems relevant to pain and benefit greatly from a strong scientific, translational, and clinical research environment.

Please send any questions to the PI, Dr. Yong Chen, Department of Neurology, Duke University, at yong.chen@duke.edu, and apply through https://careers.duke.edu/ (Job ID 6051). When applying, please include a cover letter with curriculum vitae and contact information of three referees.

More information about the PI can be found at https://scholars.duke.edu/person/yong.chen#show%20less%20content

Preferred start date: ~ 12-01-2019
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新虫 (初入文坛)

2楼: Originally posted by axian1 at 2019-09-15 13:38:32
PhD in molecular biology, is it ok?

yes, as along as neuroscience-related
3楼2019-09-24 04:04:04
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