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【悬赏金币】回答本帖问题,作者哈哈耀将赠送您 30 个金币


金虫 (著名写手)

[求助] 翻译公司介绍

“Reko Logistics  has experienced tremendous growth and success each year and has firmly established an excellent reputation with the export and import community, and feel that our highest priority relies on our customer satisfaction.
Reko Logistics  provides bright warehouse solutions to import, export and unscheduled bulk services for our loyal customers through the world with venturous investment and aggressive marketing.
Reko Logistics  takes uttermost importance in creating "personally satisfying experience" in all our customers and will continue to strive towards that goal which is more than a business mission. In order to meet this challenge,
we Reko Logistics, Inc . will do everything we can possibly imagine to deliver every cargo, big or small , safely, expeditiously, and carefully to our most valuable assets: our loyal customers.
We have been an established and popular company with an excellent track record for the best customer satisfaction.
We have never compromised on the quality and the service provided to the customer.
We believe in keeping the customers happy and providing them with good service at a very competent price.
We have an excellent staffs who will guide you with their best ideas by keeping in constant touch with your company and informing about the market trend
Please note that we specialize in garment shipments (LDP).”
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