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[求助] 投稿爱思唯尔,期刊Manager发来这个邮件,是啥意思呢?请有经验前辈不吝赐教!已有2人参与

Dear Dr. ******************,

Thanks for submitting your article to Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.

Please allow me to introduce myself as the Journal Manager for Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.

I am contacting you as a follow up of your submission, "***********************************************".

I would like to let you know about our new service, Mendeley, which will benefit authors to upload a publication/import their publications from Scopus.

Mendeley offers publication statistics to published authors. If you have authored an article and this is indexed in Scopus, Mendeley can provide you with an at-a-glance view of the impact of your published work in the wider world.

All you need to do is register on Mendeley and connect your Scopus author ID. If you are already a Mendeley user, then please complete your profile by connecting your Scopus author ID and uploading your preferred profile picture.

For any further queries, please contact the Mendeley team at mendeleyauthoroutreach@elsevier.com

Kind regards,

Banupriya Mahesh
Journal Manager
ELSEVIER | Research Content Operations
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