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新虫 (小有名气)

[交流] I am really disappointed

As a single dog, i can not find excuse, i must have my own problem when interacting with girls
Indeed, I talked with several girls through internet without seeing their face, it seems like we had a lot of commons and we had a fond time
But, honestly, i can not insist on sending them message first everytime to find topics getting their interest, then the interaction breaks....

I talked to my friends, what is going on, he said it is very normal,,,,,,,it seems like he has already experienced quite a lot......

I envy everyone who found his or her satisfied partner,maybe i should not expect so much, but i think i am deserve a good partner, i would like to wait for a right one

All in all, I am really frustrated, a bad mood today
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版主 (正式写手)

it takes time, cheer up
stay low key, work hard, and do your best
6楼2019-03-02 14:20:38
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